- He was the then secretary of Defense. 他是当时的国防部长。
- He resigned his post as Secretary of Defense. 他辞去了国防部长的职务。
- The CIA Director is subordinate to the Secretary of Defense. 中央情报局局长是国防部长的下级.
- Former Secretary of Defense [1973-75] James Schlesinger agrees. 曾在1973年到1975年担任美国国防部长的施莱辛格同意这种观点。
- Cheney served as the US Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993. 切尼在1989年到1993年之间,任美国国防部部长。
- S.Deputy Secretary of Defense Zeid Raad al Hussein... 大学的医院是学生们搞临床研究的好去处,约翰霍普金斯...
- She has been designated by the President as the next Secretary of Defense. 他已被总统任命为下任国防部长。
- The secretary of defense briefed the president on the enemy's strength. 国防部长向总统简略汇报敌人的兵力。
- The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense. 议会批准总统侯选人为国防部长。
- Don Rumsfeld is the finest secretary of defense this nation has ever had. 唐拉姆斯菲尔德是这个国家历史上最出色的国防部长。”
- Vietnam War: U. S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara announces his resignation. 年,越南战争:美国国防部秘书罗伯特·麦克纳马拉宣布辞职。
- He did not undergo general anesthesia but did hand over at least one responsibility to the Deputy Secretary of Defense. 他不接受一般但至少有一个责任移交给副国防部长。
- The Secretary of Defense has said he would not stand by and let democracy be undermined. 国防部长说他不会眼看着民主制度被破坏而无动于衷。
- Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, the great survivor, had indicated his desire to leave well before the 1972 election. 不倒翁国防部长梅尔文·R·莱尔德已表示希望早在1972年的选举之前就离职。
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Theresa Whelan made the comment in a VOA interview. 美国国防部副助理部长惠兰在接受美国之音采访时发表上述谈话。
- The U.S. side will be represented by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles Ray. 美国方面的代表是负责有关事务的国防部助理副部长查尔斯.雷。
- Vietnam War: U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara announces his resignation. 1965年,加拿大百灵鸟科学研究卫星2号发射升空。
- Yesterday's briefing by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney and Gen.Colin Powell was sobering. 昨天国防部长切尼和鲍威尔将军的简报发人深省。
- He joined the bank as president in 2005 after serving as deputy secretary of defense. 继服务于防卫秘书代表(国防部)后,2005年他成为世界银行总裁。
- Geren has asked the Deputy Secretary of Defense to adjudicate the opposing views of the IG and the Army. 格林已要求国防部副部长判决检察长和军队的对立意见。