- The second law says you can't even break even. 第二定律说你甚至不能打个平手。
- Newton's second law can be expressed as a differential equation. 牛顿第二定律可表达成微分方程。
- The second law only allows us to calculate changes in entropy. 第二定律只能让我们计算熵的改变量。
- Clearly, a refrigerator, which is a physical system must obey not only the first law(energy conservation) but the second law of thermodynamics as well. 很明显,冷冻机是一种物理系统,因此它不仅必须遵从第一定律(能量定恒), 也必须遵从热力学的第二定律。
- Parkinson's Second Law: Expenditures rise to meet income. 帕金森第二定律:支出增加以符合收入.
- Such motion can be regarded as a smallscale violation of the second law. 可把这种运动看作是轻度违反第二定律。
- The second law reveals at once that no amount of ingenuity can make it work. 第二定律马上揭示说任何天才创造都不能使它工作。
- Of course it is also in direct violation of our version of the second law. 当然,它也直接违背热力学第二定律的陈述。
- Like the first law, the second law is a generalization from experience. 像第一定律一样,第二定律是由经验归纳得出的结果。
- As profound as any principle in physics is the second law of thermodynamics. 热力学第二定律同物理学的任一原理一样,有着深刻的含义。
- What light does this discussion throw on the second law of thermodynamics? 这种讨论阐明了热力学第二定律的什么问题?
- Newton's second law applies separately to every part of a system or any combination of parts. 牛顿第二定律可分别应用到系统的每个部分或几个部分的任意组合。
- Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun. 开普勒第二定律指行星的轨道速度与其和太阳的距离。
- A third statement of the second law of thermodynamics makes use of a new concept called entropy. 热力学第二定律的第三种陈述方式引用了一个叫做熵的新概念。
- We now give a number of applications of Newton's second law to specific problems. 现在我们举例说明牛顿第二定律在实际问题中的应用。
- It was once widely believed that living organisms might be exempt from the second law of thermodynamics. 人们曾一度广泛相信,活着的有机体不受热力学第二定律的制约。
- A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 机器人必须保护自己的存在,但不得与第一、第二定律相抵触。
- In physics, the obstacle is the second law of thermodynamics, and the existence of entropy. 在物理学中,障碍是热力学第二定律和平均信息量的存在。
- Newton's second law and the law of gravity are summarized with experimental results. 牛顿第二定律及万有引力定律是根据实验结果总结出来的。
- In classical mechanism the motion of the particle is governed by Newton's second law. 经典力学中,粒子的运动服从牛顿第二定律。