- Sebaceous gland of eyelid 睑皮脂腺
- Fine needle aspiration cytology of eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma and its differential diagnosis 眼睑皮脂腺癌的穿刺细胞学诊断及鉴别诊断
- Actually, this is ovine end of secretion of sebaceous glands of hypodermic and adipose, adipose, sheep and muscle clearance adipose in a kind of when contain volatile fatty acid. 其实,这是羊尾脂肪、皮下脂肪、羊皮脂腺分泌物和肌肉间隙的脂肪中所含的一种挥发性脂肪酸。
- This in turn brings about a clogging and a disturbance of the superficial capillary and small lymphatic vessels with subsequent inflammation occurring in the sebaceous glands of the skin. 这会引起堵塞和表皮毛细血管和小淋巴血管的紊乱,接着引起皮肤脂肪腺的发炎。
- Acne is a condition of the sebaceous glands and it usually starts in the teen years when the hormone androgen stimulates the sebaceous glands of the skin to enlarge, produce oil and plug the pores. 痤疮是一种皮脂腺状态,常起病于少年期,由于雄性激素的刺激,皮脂腺增大,产生油脂并堵塞毛孔。
- Medical adhesive in the treatment of eyelid injury. 医用胶治疗眼睑裂伤。
- Sebaceous gland carcinoma is a rare, aggressive, skin tumour. 皮脂腺癌是一种罕见的侵袭性皮肤肿瘤。
- Congenital hyperplasia of sebaceous glands of lip 先天性唇皮脂腺增生
- Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence? 怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块?
- Can plastic hospital become operation of sebaceous glands cyst? 整形医院能做皮脂腺囊肿手术吗?
- The position of eyelid edge is normal or gentleness insufficiency. "眼睑位置处于正常或微小关闭不全"这样翻译对不对?
- Sty is inflammation of sex of fester of acute of eyelid board gland inside. 内麦粒肿为睑板腺急性化脓性炎症。
- Sebaceous gland of conjunctiva 结膜皮脂腺
- A case in a Chinese woman of sebaceous gland carcinoma in the parotid gland with ulceration was reported. 本文报告了一例伴有溃疡表现的腮腺皮脂腺癌。
- Is sebaceous glands cyst must operation excision? 皮脂腺囊肿是不是一定要手术切除?
- Beeswax is a kind of secretions from wax gland of worker bee. 蜂蜡是工蜂蜡腺的分泌物。
- Lacrimal gland of youth seem to be particularly well-developed. 青春的泪腺似乎特别发达。
- The dander, which comes from pets'saliva and sebaceous gland secretions, causes irritations. --Choose Pets Wisely. 来自宠物唾液和皮脂腺分泌物中的皮屑会会刺激人们。
- Wen: A harmless cyst, especially on the scalp or face, containing the fatty secretion of a sebaceous gland. 脂肪瘤一种无害的囊肿,尤指长在头皮或脸上的,内有皮脂腺的脂肪分泌物。
- Together, the hair follicle and sebaceous gland are often referred to as the pilosebaceous follicle. 毛囊和皮脂腺通常称为皮脂腺毛囊。