- The sculptor is working on a sculpture of Venus. 那个雕刻家正在雕一个维纳斯雕像。
- He was known for his sculpture of the Fates. 他以他那座命运三女神的雕塑而闻名。
- This is the emblematic sculpture of Yingkou. 这就是营口的标志性雕塑了。
- Sculpture of steeplechase 栏板石雕
- In the park, there is a sculpture of a famous man. 公园里有一座名人的雕像。
- The stone sculpture of Dai ailian is one of them. 其中之一便是戴爱莲的石雕头像。
- What a beautiful sculpture of nature! 多美的天然雕刻啊!
- His sculpture of a horse won first prize. 他雕塑的一匹马获得一等奖。
- A straight sword with the sculpture of dragon and phoenix design. 战国龙凤玉剑。
- It might be the sculpture of a certain tribal leader. 它可能是某个部落首领的头像。
- We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods. 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。
- The sculpture of a group of heroes in the centre of the city square shows a master hand. 市中心广场的英雄群像的雕塑显示了高超的艺术。
- Believer Tang Chunfu escorts the sculpture of Buddha to American HsiLai Temple. 汤春甫居士护送佛像到美国西来寺等寺庙。
- The sculpture of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in Shrine No.6 In Cave No. 甘肃永靖第6号龛的观世音菩萨之像。
- The sculpture of the King Asoka excavated from Xi'an Road at Chengdu. 四川成都西安路出土阿育王像。
- In the activity, the sculpture of the Buddha is placed on a splendid chariot. 行像时,把佛像安置在装饰华丽的车辇上,
- Wall, above Tower, a sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha do missionary work. 壁上,塔柱上面,雕刻有释迦牟尼佛传教事。
- Inside the amazingly spacious, high roofed hall is a sculpture of Mount Sumeru. 在里面无比的大,有很高蟠龙藻井与须弥山雕像的假山。
- Full-dress steps contest, surmount 3 days of steeplechase, contest and wagon contest to be place of international horse couplet to admit. 盛装舞步赛、超越障碍赛、三日赛和四轮马车赛为国际马联所承认。
- The Augustanera sculpture of a life-size male in a toga was secured on a foam-covered wooden frame to cushion its rescue. 这座真人大小、身穿托加袍的奥古斯都时期的男子雕像被安全地放置在包了泡沫的木制架子上,以缓冲打捞时产生的震动。