- Screw home motion test 旋转运动试验
- Automating safe and reliable high-pressure, high-temperature, and high-load motion test procedures for aircraft components. 为飞机组件提供可靠的高压高温高负荷运动自动化测试步骤。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- The brackets want an extra screw. 托架需要再加一个螺钉。
- The clerk marked up his daybook before going home. 办事员在回家前记好当天的日记帐。
- The dog stays home to whelp and raises her puppy. 这条狗待在家里生了小狗并把它们养大。
- He hammered home the points he wanted to convey. 他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- The taste of the lemon made her screw up her face. 柠檬把她酸得龇牙咧嘴。
- It took us an entire week to finish painting the home. 它花去了我们整整一星期的时间才把房子粉刷好。
- Does this lid screw on, or does one press it down? 这个盖子是拧的还是按的?
- Turn the screw to the right to tighten it. 将螺钉向右旋紧。
- Neil wasn't at home when Melba was ironed out. 梅尔巴被杀害的时候,尼尔并不在家。
- They tried to screw money out of me. 他们试图勒索我的钱。
- At each turn the screw goes in further. 每一次旋转都使螺丝钉更向里进。
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
- He was beaten out with fatigue when he got home. 他回到家里时已是疲惫不堪。
- Is that why you don't want to go home? 这就是你不想回家的原因吗?
- They kept badgering him to get a home computer. 他们一直纠缠着要他买一台电脑。