- Scientific city development 城市科学发展
- Urban management is a new idea of city development. 城市经营是一种新的城市发展理念。
- The importance of light for city development. 灯光对城市发展的重要性?
- As a new mode of city development, eco-city has profound scientific connotation which is characterized by harmonization, high efficiency and sustainability. 生态城市是科学内涵十分丰富,具有和谐性、高效性和持续性特征的城市发展新模式。
- City development of Nagoya is a mirror of modern city planning. 名古屋的城市建设,现代城市规划的典范。
- As the purely scientific city it is. This is an era when the science is omnipotent. 正如这座城市充满着科学,这是科学万能的时代。
- The city development plan was kept under wraps to prevent speculation. 城市的发展计划一直在保密中以防止投机。
- This city developed out of a fishing village. 这个城市是由渔村发展起来的。
- The city developed out of a fishing village. 这座城市是由一个渔村发展而成的。
- City develop course is fast, the living space of dairy industry is reduced. 城市化进程加快,奶业生存空间减少。
- In the new round of city planning, Mianyang will be built into a scientific city, a key regional center in Sichuan province, a historical and cultural city and a livable city. 新一轮城市规划将绵阳定位为:中国科技城,四川省重要的区域中心,历史文化和宜居名城。
- As the economic,political and cultural center, the city act as the leading rile in city development. 城市作为政治、经济、文化的中心;在社会发展中起着主导作用.
- In the absence of any different policy city development has taken the form of sprawl. 在不受其它政策干预的情况下,美国的城市是以向四方八面扩展的形式发展的。
- Know to all, The Sweden is in the world to handle the best nation in city development and environmental protection. 众所周知,瑞典是世界上处理城市发展和环境保护最好的国家。
- The government went on record stating pollution is the greatest problem of the city development. 政府公开表示,污染是这个城市发展的最大问题。
- At present, Taiyuan had 12 banks, and each bank has its own management pattern, simultaneously, is promoting the city development. 目前,太原已有12家银行,而且每家银行都有自己的经营管理模式,同时,促进着城市的发展。
- Citizen participation is the principle of new public administration, adapted the demand of the modern city development. 公众参与是城市治理的内在要求,是城市治理过程中的特定阶段和形式:公众参与体现了新公共管理的理念,适应了现代城市发展的需要。
- Civilized and ecological city must be the main direction and object of modern city development in 21 century. 文明生态城市必将成为21世纪现代城市发展的主要方向和追求的目标。
- The development of mass transits is imperative as one city develops. 大众运输随著一个城市的发展而愈益重要;
- The treatment of municipal solid waste(MSW)is a big problem in the city development. 城市生活垃圾处理是城市发展中的一大难题。