- You've got to have a schizoid approach. 你一定是精神分裂了。
- The patient with Schizoid Personality Disorder is asexual. 精神性人格紊乱综合症的患者是性禁忌的。
- With calm, dreamy, almost schizoid logic, she explains that her appearance will be important. 她以镇定、迷惘、近乎自相矛盾的逻辑说明她的仪表将是很重要的。
- Will avoidant and schizoid people fare well in the potentially anonymous environment of text conversation? 回避型与精神分裂人格障碍的人会在文本交流这种潜在匿名的环境中顺利进行治疗吗?
- He believed that schizoid conditions constituted the most deep-seated of all psychopathological states. 他认为,精神分裂是所有心理病理现象的基础;
- He believed that schizoid conditions constituted the most deepseated of all psychopathological states. 他认为,精神分裂是所有心理病理现象的基础。
- Denzel: It's and in a way, no, and I'll tell you why, because I'm an actor, so I'm 7)schizoid anyway. 丹泽: 从某方面来说,看不到了,我跟你解释这原因:因为我身为演员,会有多重性格。
- The schizoid’s asexuality is a result of indifference - the schizotypal’s and avoidant’s, the outcome of social anxiety. 狂燥病患者的性禁忌其实是源于对世事的冷漠。说到底是惧怕社交场合的带来的焦虑。
- Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidant people yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them. 与分裂性人格障碍不同,逃避型的人渴望社会关系,但感到不可及。
- The schizoid is not interested in maintaining any kind of relationship and avoids interactions with others - including sexual encounters. 此种精神性患者对维持任何形式的人际关系都不感新兴趣,而且,总是避免与人的交流---包括性的接触。
- D forces a symptom: Companion has the schizoid that forces a symptom as far as possible not smooth, benefit earths up first selection chloric nitrogen ketone. d 强迫症状:伴有强迫症状的精神分裂症患者尽量不首选氯氮平、利培酮。
- A notice on his door offered “Psychoanalysis for your typewriter, whether it’s frustrated, inhibited, schizoid, or what have you,” and he was as good as his word. 泰特尔的门上贴有一则通知”为阁下的打字机进行心理分析,分析他是否沮丧、抑郁亦或精神分裂”。
- The schizoid devours the eyewinker may be caused by thinking obstacle, also may be the method that a kind of impulsive act perhaps considers to serve as the suicide with this. 精神分裂症患者吞食异物可能由思维障碍引起,也可能是一种冲动行为或者想以此作为自杀的方法。
- To what extent can you see a similar "schizoid" character in this document? In particular, how would you contrast the content of the demands with their tone? 在这份资料中你能理解近似于“精神分裂”的特质到怎样的程度?尤其是你如何对照需求的内容和他们的语气?
- What does she mean by the "schizoid nature of Russian society"(21)? Why are the self-presentations given in this paragraph schizoid? What are some other examples of this dualism? 她所谓的“俄国社会(精神)分裂的本质”是什么?为何在这个段落的精神分裂是被给予自我表现的意义?其他有关二元论的例子是什么?
- Mo-Xuyou is central reflect and extensive eruption of Feiming anxiety for existence, as a text of "schizoid" ,whose protagonist narration and words are all split. 这是一个“精神分裂性”的文本,其人物、叙述和语言都是分裂的。
- Nevertheless, latter research discovers, partial schizoid is coming on the obstacle that initial stage produced the cognitive field such as memory, study, attention, intelligence, and be treat hard. 不过,近来的研究发现,部分精神分裂症患者在发病初期就产生了记忆、学习、注意、智能等认知方面的障碍,并且是难以治疗的。
- The cerebral narcissist is indistinguishable from the schizoid: he is asexual and prefers activities and interactions which emphasize his intelligence or intellectual achievements. 大脑自恋者和分裂性患者是不可区分的:他是无性能力的并且更喜欢能突出他能力或是智力成就的活动和交往。
- Of mania fit and schizophrenia differentiate: Especially youth schizoid often appears mental motility is excited, but activity of its acknowledge, affection, volition has apparent not harmonious sex. 躁狂发作与精神分裂症的鉴别:尤其青春型精神分裂症患者常出现精神运动性兴奋,但其认知、情感、意志活动具有明显的不协调性。
- A Saint of Schizothymia:Taine and His AestheticThought 分离的圣者:丹纳及其美学思想