- If the said body refuses to deal with it,the trade union shall have the right to criticism,accusation and complaint. 企业行政方面拒不处理的,工会有权提出批评、检举和控告。
- If the said body refuses to deal with it, the trade union shall have the right to criticism, accusation and complaint. 企业行政方面拒不处理的,工会有权提出批评、检举和控告。
- She didn't attend to what I was saying. 她对我所说的话未加注意。
- The wind-powered vehicle that is defined in claim 1, wherein said airfoil system includes two generally upright airfoils rigidly mounted on said body on opposite sides of said vertical plane. 风动力汽车是声称1明确,其中说,翼型系统包括两个一般正派翼型硬性安装在说,机构的对立面的说,垂直面。
- Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Roy is saying. 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什麽。
- It was tasteless of you to say that. 你说那种话真是庸俗。
- I must say I didn't like the cut of his jib. 说实在的,我不喜欢他那个样子。
- It was dishonest of you not to say so. 你没有这样说是不诚实的。
- I could make little of what he was saying. 我弄不懂他在说些什么。
- He cried off after saying he would help us. 他说他会帮我们的,后来却打了退堂鼓。
- All but a few will say amen to his proposal. 除了少数几个人外,大家都会十分赞成他的建议。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。
- I can't say for certain when he will arrive. 我说不准他什么时候会来。
- Don't believe what he's saying it's pure bunkum. 别相信他的话--纯粹是胡说八道。
- Nothing they say could faze him. 他们说什麽都烦扰不了他。
- I don't glom onto what he is saying. 我不明白他说的什么。
- I should never have dreamt of saying such a thing. 我无论如何也不会说出这样的话来。
- Did he have the nerve to say that? 他竟有脸说这话吗?
- Some people say we Briton must work like beaver. 有人说我们英国人得拼命工作才行。
- You'll just have to take what I say on trust. 你只管相信我说的话就是了。