- Saxifraga georgein. 对生叶虎耳草
- Distribution and evolution of Saxifraga L. subsect. 虎耳草属具芽亚组的分布及其进化与青藏高原隆起的关系.
- Saxifraga pasumensis Marq. et Shaw. f. integrifolia Jeeir,以全草入药。
- The genus Saxifraga in Qing-Zang Plateau. 青藏高原虎耳草属的初步研究.
- According to our preliminary investigation, the hosts on which U. longissima grows belong to 11 families 17 genera 18 species, mainly Abies georgei . 其生长基物种类繁多,经调查初步确定长松萝着生基物分属11科17属18种,但主要以急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei)为主要着生基物。
- But the magnolia oil whitening pale spot facial mask includes ingredients and so on saxifraga sarmentosa, peony root and mulberry tree root. 而玉兰油美白淡斑面膜就含有虎耳草、牡丹花根及桑树根等成分。
- The authors studied the volume and water holding capacity of moss and litter layers under Abies georgei forest of different slope direction of the east slope of mount sejila in Tibet. 枯枝落叶层持水性能优于苔藓,说明枯枝落叶层在森林的水源涵养方面发挥了更为重要的作用。
- Pimpinella saxifraga L. [医] 锐齿茴芹,茴芹
- Saxifraga L. [医] 虎耳草属
- Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb. [医] 虎耳草
- Saxifraga tangutica Engl. 唐古特虎耳草
- fir (Abies georgei var. smithii) 急尖长苞冷杉
- Abies georgei var. smithii forests 冷杉林
- Saxifraga dingqingensis J. T. Pan 丁青虎耳草
- ;Saxifraga str acheyi Hook.F.et Thoms. 希马拉雅虎耳草 Bergemia stracheyi Engl.
- Studies on Biomass and Net Phmarv Pfoduction of Abies georgei Communitv 云南中甸长苞冷杉群落的生物量和净生产量研究
- Analysis of a Black Current and a Saxifraga of Xinjiang 新疆野生黑加仑与马林果实的营养成分分析
- [Saxifraga purpurascens Hook.f.et Thoms.;Bergenia delavayiEngl.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Bergenia purpurascens Engl.
- Community Characteristics of Abies Georgei Forest on The Western Slope of Baima Snow Mountain in Northwestern Yunnan 滇西北白马雪山西坡长苞冷杉林群落特征的研究