- Kuniz蛋白酶抑制剂Kunitz protease inhibitor
- 杜亚泉(1873-1933)Du Ya-quan
- 运输署-九巴士1933有限公司Transport Department - Kowloon Motor Bus Company 1933 Limited
- 第三帝国(1933-1945年纳粹统治下的德国).the Third Reich,ie Germany under the Nazi regime(1933-1945)
- 1933块金、银、铜牌的系带总共需要丝带4000米左右。Some 4000 metres of ribbon will be needed for attachment to the 1,933 gold, silver and bronze medals
- 1933至1937年出生的人士换领智能身份证的新阶段展开New Smart ID card phase for people born from 1933 to 1937
- 编导:李仲林(1933--)、黄伯寿(1931--)作曲:张肖虎,首演者:中央实验歌剧院舞剧团,The choreographers: Li Zhonglin [1933- ] and Huang Boshou [1931- ];composer: Zhang Xiaohu;premiere staff: the dance troupe of the Central Experimental Opera Troupe;
- 沃兹涅先斯基,安德烈生于1933苏联诗人,其诗集包括抛物线(1960年)和三角梨(1962年)Soviet poet whose collections of verse include Parabola(1960)and The Triangular Pear(1962).
- 贝赞特,安妮 伍德1847-1933英国理论诡辩家、哲学家和政治人物,在印度鼓吹本土统治和教育改革English theosophist, philosopher, and political figure who advocated home rule and educational reforms in India.
- 伍德伯里,海伦·劳拉·萨姆纳1876-1933美国社会经济学家,以其对于劳动和妇女选举权的研究而著名American social economist noted for her studies of labor and woman suffrage.
- 拉斯穆森,努德·约翰·维克托1879-1933丹麦种族学家和北极考察者,曾对爱斯基摩文化和传统作过认真研究。Danish ethnologist and Arctic explorer who conducted extensive research on Eskimo culture and heritage.
- 兰利,鲁西·克拉夫特1854-1933美国教育家,她于1886年创立了海因斯标准和工业学院,该学院位于佐治亚州的奥古斯塔,是第一所为黑人学生开办的私人学校American educator. She founded the Haines Normal and Industrial Institute, one of the first private schools for Black students, in Augusta, Georgia, in1886.