- Saussurea conyzoidesn. 假蓬风毛菊
- Saussurea involucrata Kar.et Kir.ex Maxim. 新疆雪莲花
- Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir. 新疆雪莲
- Saussurea involucrata Kar. & Kir. 新疆雪莲
- Saussurea involucrata Kar.et Kir. 新疆雪莲
- Saussurea involurate(Kar.et Kir)Sch.Bip. 天山雪莲
- The Ecological Adaptation Mechanism of Saussurea Stella Maxim. 星状风毛菊(Saussurea stella Maxim.;)生态适应机制的研究
- Saussurea of Xinjiang Origin is the flowery whole plant of feverfew. 新疆雪莲:为菊科植物雪莲花的带花全株。
- Residues of dicofol in soils, citrus fruits, Ageratum conyzoides of citrus orchards in 13 locations, Fujian province, were analyzed. 测定了福建省南平、福州、宁德等地13个柑桔园土壤、柑桔果实及覆盖植物胜红蓟三氯杀螨醇的含量。
- Ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides), a common weed in south China, has an allelopathic effect on the other plants through releasing volatilizing allelochemicals into the environment. 南方重要农田杂草胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L.;)主要通过向环境释放挥发性化感物质来影响其它植物。
- The volatile oil of Ageratum conyzoides had siqnificant biological actirities on fungi,insects and plants,particalarly on plant diseases and insect pests. 胜红蓟挥发油对真菌、昆虫和植物均具有生物活性,对植物致病真菌和害虫的抑制活性尤其显著。
- Diversity index of the native AM fungi in the rhizosphere soil of P. notatum plants was slightly higher than those of S. gracilis and A. conyzoides plants. 藿香蓟根际土著AM真菌群落的多样性指数略高于柱花草和百喜草;
- Effect of the Plant Hormones and Active Carbon on Rooting of in Vitro Shoot of Saussurea involucrata Kar. Et Kir. 植物激素和活性炭对新疆雪莲组培苗生根的影响。
- In Vitro Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Saussurea involucrata Kar. Et Kir. 新疆雪莲的组织培养及植株再生。
- Anti-radiation activity of the tissue culture of Saussurea involucrata Kar. Et Kir. 新疆雪莲组织培养物的抗辐射作用。
- Objective To study the liver and kidney protection of Saussurea medusa maxim (SMM)in exhaustive swiming mice. 目的探讨雪莲对力竭性游泳小鼠肝、肾的保护作用。
- A new method has been developed for the determination of Saussurea Lappa essential oil in Po Chai Pills by HPLC. 采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定羊城和香港保济丸中木香挥发油的含量。
- Morphological observations on Saussurea tangutica with a description of a new variety. 唐古特雪莲的形态观察及一新变种的描述.
- Effects of extracting solution from Hemarthria altissima,Ageratum conyzoides and Zoysia matrella on seed germination and seedling growth of Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.3,No.4)and Merremia hederaceawere studied through germination tests. 用牛鞭草,胜红蓟和沟叶结缕草3种植物提取液处理鱼黄草和木豆品种3号、4号种子,测定种子发芽率、苗高、根长和苗鲜重。