- Sarcina ventriculi [医] 胃八迭球菌
- R-S_(76)and R-S_(136)is sarcina,Gram dying is violet. R-S76、R-S136都是链球状,革兰氏染色呈紫色。
- After two weeks, wekilled the mice and took their fundus ventriculi to make the enzymenhistochemical examination,including SDH, LDH, ACP and HE. 经2周喂养后处死,取小鼠胃体部胃壁做SDH、LDH、ACP酶组织化学检测及HE常规染色。
- Objective To analysis the relationship between gastric Schistosomiasis and carcinoma ventriculi. 目的分析胃血吸虫病与胃癌的关系。
- Objective:Probing into the curative effect of Sandostation and Vasopressin used in curing varix,rupture,bleeding of esophagus and fundus ventriculi. 目的探讨奥曲肽、垂体后叶素2种药物对治疗食管、胃底静脉曲张破裂出血的疗效。
- Nitinol stents for relieving malignant pylorus obsuction should be individually designed in order to increase emptying rate of sinus ventriculi. 结论用于扩张治疗胃窦晚期恶性肿瘤所导致的胃出口梗阻的金属支架设计应个体化,以提高食物的排空率。
- Objective: Talk about healing method of esophagus fundus ventriculi varicose bleeding,use hypophysin to unite propranolol contrast with somatostatin. 目的:探讨食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血的经济实用治疗方法,使用垂体后叶素联合心得安与生长抑素比较。
- According to the literature, sarcina is oneof the methanogen that can produce methane in high performance.The remaining of sarcina willapparently improve methane production. 根据以往的资料显示,八叠球菌是产气较好的甲烷菌之一,这种菌的驻留会使整个产气效果明显提高。
- The CEA level were also significantly elevated(P<0.01).The positive rate was 56.6%in colorectal cancer and 43.7%in ventriculi and cardiac cancer. 肿瘤组CEA水平亦明显高于正常对照组(P<0.;001),阳性率分别为:结/直肠癌组56
- Variceal bleeding of esophagus and ventriculi veins is the most main complication of liver cirrhosis patient, which has extremely high mortality rate. 食管、胃底静脉曲张破裂出血是危及肝硬化患者生命最主要的并发症,死亡率极高。
- Antineoplastic,mainly used for the treatment of carcinoma ventriculi,carcinoma of colon,buccal maxillofacial region cancer,etc. 功效作用:抗肿瘤药,主要用于胃癌、结肠癌、口腔颌面部癌等。
- Diabetic gastroparesis is one of the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus. Hypotonia of the sinus ventriculi and emptying delay is the major pathology changes of the DGP. 糖尿病性胃轻瘫(diabetic gastroparesis DGP)是糖尿病慢性并发症之一。
- Results In cancer patients, the CA19-9 level were markedly elevated(P<0.05).The positive rate was 33.3%in colorectal cancer and 35.4%in ventriculi and cardiac cancer. 结果肿瘤组CA19-9水平明显高于正常对照组(P<0.;05),阳性率分别为:结/直肠癌组33
- Methods Splenectomy or ligation of splenic artery and disjunction of vena coronaria ventriculi were performed after completion of hepatic-tumour excision. 方法肝肿瘤切除手术完成后,再行脾切除或脾动脉结扎、胃冠状静脉离断术。
- AIM: To explore the therapeutic effects of high-frequency electric coagulation under endoscope in patients with hypertrophic gastric folds (HGFs) in sinus ventriculi. 摘要目的:探讨内镜下高频电凝治疗胃窦部粗大皱襞的疗效。
- The veins of the glandicularis ventriculi were joined by the cranial and caudal proventricular veins, which drained into vena cava posteriov and hepatic portal sinister respectively. 腺胃血液的静脉有腺胃前静脉和腺胃后静脉,分别汇入后腔静脉和左肝门静脉。
- Abstract Gastroelectrical activity of the smooth muscle under tunics serosa in corpus ventriculi (CV) and autrum pyloricum (AP) in cat were recorded with implanted Ag-AgCI disc electrodes. 摘要 以记录猫胃体部和胃窦部胃电为指标,对比观察电针或刺激排总神经与刺激延脑中缝大核对胃电的影响。
- Objective:To study the effect of Xinkai Kujiang method on CGRP and SP in functional dyspepsia(FD)rat sinus ventriculi mucosa,and to reveal the therapeutic mechanism of Xinkai Kujiang method. 目的:通过研究辛开苦降法对功能性消化不良(FD)大鼠胃窦黏膜降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)和P物质(SP)的影响,揭示辛开苦降法调节胃肠感觉过敏的机制,以便全面评价该法的科学性。
- vena medialis atrii ventriculi lateralis 侧脑室内侧静脉
- vena recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti 第四脑室外侧隐窝静脉