- The revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours. 叛乱在几小时之内就镇压下去了。
- Sanusi Revolt 赛努西暴动(1915-1917)
- The people broke out/rose in revolt. 人民起来造反了。
- The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days. 叛乱在几天之内就被镇压下去了。
- They were scheming to spark a revolt. 他们策划发起反叛。
- The suppression of the revolt took a mere two days. 镇压叛乱只用了两天时间。
- A peasant revolt, especially a very bloody one. 农民起义,农民暴动农民暴动,特别是指血腥大暴动
- The counterrevolutionary revolt was quickly got under. 反革命叛乱很快被镇压下去了。
- Such were the conditions which brought on the revolt. 这些就是引起暴动的客观条件。
- The peasants' revolt was put down by the dictator's troops. 农民的反叛被独裁者的军队镇压了下去。
- The people living underneath the tyranny rose in open revolt. 生活在暴政下的人民公开反叛了。
- He was the prime mover in the revolt against the government. 他是这场反政府叛乱的煽动者。
- The peasants planned a revolt against the king. 农民们制订了反对国王的起义计划。
- A person who stirs up trouble or kindles a revolt. 煽动叛乱者,挑动争端者挑起麻烦或引起叛乱的人
- Autocracy often causes the people to revolt. 独裁统治常常引起人民的反抗。
- Dr M, Sanusi quit Umno is a personal vendetta with... 马哈迪宣布退出巫统!是好事吗?
- She turn away in revolt from the nasty old man. 她对那下流的老头感到恶心,便转过脸去。
- The Iraq revolt was finally crushed. 伊拉克的背叛终于被压制下去了。
- Agitators urged the peasants to revolt . 煽动者怂恿农民叛变。
- All North Africa would flame into revolt. 整个北非将激起反抗。