- San Qi reduces swelling, stops bleeding, invigorates the blood, and warms.You can see an almost complete package for pain relief but more commonly soreness and acute trauma. 它能消肿、止血、补血、祛寒,几乎是减缓疼痛的万灵丹,肌肉酸痛和急性外伤更是如此。
- He sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu. 他从旧金山乘坐轮船去檀香山。
- From 'Er Wu' To 'San Qi Wu': the tenancy system in modern Zhejiang and the policy transformation of 'Er Wu Jian Zhu' 从二五到三七五:近代浙江租佃制度与国民党浙江二五减租政策的嬗变
- The cargo discharged at San Francisco. 货轮已于旧金山港卸货。
- San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer. 夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。
- She cabled her aunt in San Francisco. 她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。
- The goods will be shipped to San Francisco by boat. 这批货物将用船运往旧金山。
- We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。
- San Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. “旧金山,敞开你的金门吧!”剧院里的那位歌女演唱道。
- San Qi 三七
- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- I moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco at the age of thirty. 我在三十岁时从洛杉矶搬到旧金山。
- Notoginseng( San Qi) 三七
- A unit of currency in Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City. 分意大利、圣马力诺和梵蒂冈城所用的货币单位
- It's like seeing San Francisco through rise-colored glasses. 这就像透过玫瑰色眼镜看旧金山,显得光明而欢乐。
- Do you have the number for mr. John Davis in san francisco? 你有没有住在旧金山的JohnDavis先生的电话号码?
- I found a Qi Baishi among the exhibits. 我在展品中发现了一幅齐白石的画。
- By chance, Xu Qi met Liu Wei, her current partner. 偶然的机会,Rebecca认识了刘玮,她现在的合作伙伴。
- Why does Cui Qi not use the computer? 崔琦为何不用电脑?
- Why does not Cui Qi use the computer? 崔琦为何不用电脑?