- Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 水手服与机关枪
- All these art works depict a scatter- brained character called Bip,who is traditionally dressed in sailor suit and a grey top hat decorated with a red flower. 所有这些艺术作品描述的都是一个叫比普的浮躁、愚笨的人物,他总是身着水手服,戴一顶插着一朵红花的灰色大礼帽。
- The time of quarrel, man and chemisette differentiation seem revolver and machine gun of differentiation. 争吵的时候,男人和女人的区别就像是手枪和机关枪的区别。
- The time of quarrel, man and chemisette differentiation seem a rifle and machine gun of differentiation. 争吵的时候,男人和女人的区别就像是步枪和机关枪的区别。
- That caught the Germans' attention and before he could reload (the bazooka is a two-man weapon) the tankers just blew him up with cannon and machine gun fire. 此举引起德国人注意,在他重装火箭之前(巴祖卡火箭为双人操作武器),坦克乘员用炮火和机枪把他打飞了。
- In wintertime he will don a wet suit and go right on surfing. 到冬季,他就穿上橡皮紧身衣去冲浪。
- In their withdrawal,the enemy left behind thousands of rifles and machine guns. 敌人在撤退时,丢下了数千支步枪和机枪。
- The enemy's machine gun was put out of action. 敌人的机枪被打坏了。
- He decked himself up in a suit and tie. 他穿上西服,打上领带,显得衣冠楚楚。
- He can strip and reassemble a machine gun in the dark. 他能摸着黑儿把机枪拆开再装上。
- Blue suit and brown socks!He had fouled up again. 蓝衣服和棕色短袜!他又搞错了。
- In their withdrawal, the enemy left behind thousands of rifles and machine guns. 敌人在撤退时,丢下了数千支步枪和机枪。
- He changed into another diving suit and went down. 他换上另一件潜水衣又下水了。
- Enemy: One squad-sized element of regular forces with light weapons and machine guns. 敌人:一股由轻型武器和机枪武装的一般力量。
- Michael wore a dark blue suit and stood tall. 迈克尔穿着深蓝色的西装,站得笔直!
- This toy machine gun dismantles easily. 这种玩具机关枪很容易拆卸。
- I needed only to wear a suit and a thin shirt. 我只须穿一件外套和一件薄薄的衬衫就行了。
- Enemy: One squad-sized element of irregular forces with light weapons and machine guns without any night vision devices. 敌人:估计有一个小队规模的有轻武器和机关枪但没有任何夜视设备的武装力量。
- What's behind the smart suit and eager smile? 穿得这样漂亮、笑得这样甜,究竟是什么原因?
- Croft pulled back the bolt on his machine gun and rammed it home. 克洛夫特把机枪枪拴一按,顶上了膛。