- Sagitta johorensisn. 柔佛箭虫
- A constellation in the celestial Northern Hemisphere near Cygnus and Sagitta. 狐狸星座北天球天鹅星座和天箭星座附近的一个星座
- L. virgaurea and L. sagitta were guerrilla clonal plant of perennial herb. 三种植物的生长型是:黄帚橐吾和箭叶橐吾是多年生游击型草本克隆植物,而掌叶橐吾是多年生丛生型草本植物。
- The diamond wheel for grinding magnet shoe with low sagitta was manufactured by composite electroplating in Ni-Co alloy electrolyte. 采用镍-钴合金镀液电镀出磨低拱高磁瓦的金刚石砂轮。
- A main weed Ligularia sagitta in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is treated by aqueous extracts of 11 common weeds. 用11种常见杂草的水浸液处理青藏高原主要杂草箭叶橐吾(Ligularia sagitta).
- Dipus sagitta showed a high density and was dominant in desert-type habitats, especially in sand dune. 聚类分析结果显示, 研究区啮齿动物群落可以分成荒漠型群落和绿洲型群落两大类。
- Methods: 10 cases of normal brain specimens with axial and sagitta] scans of SE sequences were chosen on MRI. 方法:取10具非病变死亡的头颅标本,经福尔马林液固定后行MRI扫描及断层切片;
- Clonal hierarchical selection models of L. virgaurea and L. sagitta included four hierarchies: clonal fragment, root of ramet, ramet and genet. 黄帚橐吾和箭叶橐吾的克隆等级选择模型包括克隆片断(无效根状茎),分株根系和完整分株及基株四个等级。
- The results showed this area was single desert Haloxylon mmodendron community dominated Meriones meridianus-Rhomlomys opimus-Dipus sagitta. 结果表明;该区域为单一的荒漠梭梭子午沙鼠(M .;meridianus) 大沙鼠(Rhomlomysopimus) 三趾跳鼠(Dipussagitta)群落。
- When immersed in 120mg/L and 150mg/L ALC solutions, 91.3% and 100% lapillus, 44.83% and 58.06% sagitta, and less than 10% as-tariscus were marked, respectively. 120mg/L和150mg/L溶液浸泡后微耳石的标记率很高,矢耳石和星耳石的标记率低。
- Optimum film management on the Sagitta guarantees greater independence in label features and means that maintenance time is reduced for assembly cleaning. 最佳电影管理箭保证更大的独立性在标签的功能和手段,维修时间缩短为大会清洗。
- The compact size of the machine along with its integrated electric control box allows for quick and easy installation and integration of the Sagitta into the bottling line. 的紧凑尺寸的机器连同其综合电气控制箱可以快速方便地安装和集成的箭到装瓶线。
- The specific virus antigen was detected in the liver and spleen samples of Euchoreutes naso, Dipus sagitta and Brachiones przewalskii, the positive rates were 6.3%, 5.0% and 16.7%respectively. 用反向血凝试验在长耳跳鼠、三趾跳鼠和短耳跳鼠的肝、脾标本中检出病毒抗原;阳性率各为6.;3%25;5
- Copepoda is the most important food group in the food composition of Sagitta crassa in four seasons, but there are remarkable changes in percentage of copepoda species consumed by Sagitta crassa. 它在渤海的食物 组成四季都以桡足类为主,但捕食其中各种类的比例则有明显的季节变化。
- Among them, Meriones meridianus was the first dominant species, Rhombomys opimus the second dominant species, Dipus sagitta the common species, and rare species were Allactaga elater, M.tamariscinus and Mus musculus. 其中子午沙鼠为主优势种;大沙鼠为次优势种;三趾跳鼠为常见种;小五趾跳鼠(Allactagaelater)、柽柳沙鼠(M .;tamariscinus)、小家鼠(Musmusculus)为罕见种;
- The sagittal depth,“S”,(also called sagitta,sagittal height or sag)is the perpendicular distance between the geometric center of the back lens surface and the diameter of the lens. 矢深,“S”,(又称矢高、弧高或垂距),指镜片内曲面的几何学中心至线状直径之间的垂直距离。
- any arrowworm of the genus Sagitta. 天箭虫属的各种箭虫。
- Terpenoid compounds isolated from Ligularia sagitta 箭叶橐吾中萜类成分的研究
- northern three-toed jerbod (Dipus sagitta) 三趾跳鼠
- Study on allelopathy of several common weeds on Ligularia sagitta 几种常见杂草对箭叶橐吾的化感作用