- Sabine Jahn 雅恩
- Horace receives a Sabine farm from Maecenas. 米西奈斯赠送贺拉斯一座农庄。
- Sabine: Sprichst du viele Sprachen? 你会说多国语言吗?
- Illustrationen von Sabine Kraushaar. 作者声明: Anne Braun ;
- Sabine is the one who understands Thomas most. 最让我有感触的是Sabine和Thomas之间的关系。
- Miller, Rebecca A.Rabinow, Sabine Rewald, Ms. 创作者: Kathryn Calley Galitz; Ashley E.
- We have a call for Mr. Harold Sabin. 哈罗德.;莎宝先生有电话。
- Chris Sabin vs.Curry Man vs.Jay Lethal vs. 剧情看点: 赛事介绍:Alex Shelley vs.
- The cultures of the Romans and Sabine also combined in this union. 罗马人和萨宾人的文化也混合到了一起。
- Arnie has just presented his business plan to Sabine, a venture capitalist. 艾尔尼刚把他的商业计划书交给风险资本家萨比娜。
- Modern gymnastics were largely the creation of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn in the 19th century. 现代体操运动大致上是19世纪一个名叫弗里德里希·路德维希望雅恩的人发明的。
- Sabine: dieser doofe Kater! hat eine Vase kaputtgemacht, meine Lieblingsvase! 这只蠢猫!把一个花瓶打破了,我亲爱的花瓶!
- She won the race ahead of compatriot Sabine Voelker and US Jennifer Rodriguez. 不过君子一言驷马难追,获得奥运金牌的她,也在赛后证实将提供啤酒,共同为她的胜利而庆祝。
- It was Built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahn in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. 是莫卧儿皇帝沙.;贾汗)为纪念其妻;死于1631年的蒙泰姬
- Sabine Jourdain fell among thieves while she was walking through the harbour. 萨宾·乔尔戴恩在港口散步的时候遭遇到了几个小偷。
- Associated Press Writer George Jahn in Vienna, Austria, contributed to this report. 美联社记者搞了多少年,在维也纳,奥地利,促成了这一报告。
- Jahn has became a campusicon ,he is not only intelligent and hadsome ,but also a man with a sense of humor. 约翰成了校园偶像;他不仅聪明英俊;还是个很有幽默感的人.
- To prevent polio, the Sabin vaccine uses a weakened form of the virus. 为了预防脑灰质炎,沙宾疫苗使用的是虚弱的病毒。
- Liou, J.-G. Jahn, B.-M. and Yen, T.-P.(1976) Petrology of East Taiwan Ophiolites. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 13, 59-82. 刘忠光、江博明、颜沧波(1976)东台湾蛇绿岩之岩石学。台湾石油地质,第13号,第59-82页。
- Associated Press Correspondent George Jahn has been reporting on Iran's nuclear program and linked strategic issues since 2002. 注:美联合记者乔治.;雅恩自2002年即开始伊朗核问题及相关外交事件的报道。