- STM STMicroelectronics 意法半导体,由意大利SGS Microelettronica及法国Thomsom半导体公司合并而成
- Aggregation ofa Heme Peptide on Gold: An STM Study. 肽研究新闻聚集一处小分子肽血红素黄金:STM研究。
- STMicroelectronics share as named in the New York Stock Exchange. 意法半导体的股票在纽约证券交易所的名称。
- Future Directions for STM Publishing: Evolution or Revolution? 出版的未来方向:进化或革命?
- STM has all the inefficiencies associated with circuit switching. STM有所有电路交换的低效之处.
- The traditional. Edb file and its accompanying. Stm file are a single unit. 传统的.;edb文件与和它配对的
- It verifies that the model described here is more suitable for modeling of STM. 由此表明现在的模型更合适于作为短时记忆的模型。
- Intel Corporation and STMicroelectronics began shipping prototype samples of 128 megabit PCM memory in February 2008 [2]. 英特尔公司和意法半导体开始出货原型样品128兆位的PCM内存在 2008年2月[ 2 ] 。
- The simplest information processing theory of STM asserts thatSTM has a capacity for a fixed number of chunks. 最简单的短时记忆信息加工理论认为短时记忆有一个固定组块数的容量。
- In the majority of scenarios, there is no real benefit to splitting the. Edb files and. Stm files on separate spindles. 在大多数情况下;将.;edb文件和
- The file name can refer to a check file, a tmp. Log file, a temp. Edb file, or a temp. Stm file. 文件名可以是检查文件、tmp.;log文件、temp
- How to linkup ECL with microscope techniques such as STM, develop new ECL reagents, overcome electrode pollution are main directions of ECL research. 如何将STM等显微技术与ECL技术结合以促进人们对生物大分子二级结构的认识、开发新的ECL试剂以及解决电极污染和毒化是ECL分析法当前发展中面临的问题。
- Analyzing surface appearance and interface with scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and atom forces microscope (AFM). 使用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)观察了薄膜的表面形貌。
- These results indicated that porin of STM might induced stronger CMI in BALB/c mice. 这些结果说明 STM- porin可能诱导 BAL B/ c小鼠产生较强的细胞免疫
- We can get clear grinding surface stereogram by Scanning Tuneling Microscope (STM). 采用了目前国内最先进的扫描隧道显微镜(STM)对工件表面进行三维扫描,测量其表面粗糙度,可以获得清晰的磨削表面立体图。
- The scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is our prime instrument to study the above mentioned topics. 我们的主要研究仪器为扫描穿隧显微镜(STM)。
- The higher velocity of STM signal is been gained by the multiplexing of N STM-1 byte. 更高速率的STM-N信号是把N个STM-1信号通过按字节复接而形成的。
- Computer simulations show that: the model have two fundamental characteristics of STM, limited capability and chunking. 计算机仿真证明:本模型确能表现出短时记忆的存贮容量有限和组块编码两个基本特征。
- The preliminary exparimental results of a new developed PSTM STM co operation system are reported. 报导我们研制的一套光子扫描隧道显微镜(PSTM)和扫描隧道显微镜(STM)联用系统的初步实验结果。
- The decision to broaden its range of chipset suppliers and licence proprietary technology for high-speed WCDMA/HSDPA mobile phone chips will be an opportunity for chip companies such as STMicroelectronics and Broadcom to enter a new market. 诺基亚决定扩大其芯片组供应商的范围,许可WCDMA/HSDPA手机芯片专利技术,这对意法半导体和博通这样的芯片公司来说是一个进入新市场的机会。