- The Sars outbreak had boosted the use of postal services. 沙士爆发,多了人使用邮递服务。
- At the peak of the SARS outbreak, Beijing residents were the "most unwelcome people" in the country. 非典疫情在北京爆发的高峰期里,北京居民成了全国“最不受欢迎的人”。
- If Singaporeans can repeat the admirable team spirit during the SARS outbreak, our roads definitely will be safer. 如果国人能够重现沙斯肆虐期间的团结精神,我们的公路肯定会变得更安全。
- He is also rumoured to have concealed the fact of the SARS outbreak from government officials. 据称,他还隐瞒疫情,未有向政府官员通报。
- Pa enger flow at Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok airport is down 80% since the SARS outbreak. 香港赤?角机场的乘客流量自沙士爆发以来下跌百分之八十。
- Under the impacts of SARS outbreak,the trusts of undergraduates were homeostatic. SARS冲击下大学生信任感呈现了动态平衡的特点;
- In the aftermath of the SARS outbreak, there is a growing consensus among the public that the present position requires improvement. 非典型肺炎事件后,公众日益意识到目前的情况必须加以改善,维持现状似乎并不可行。
- In the past few weeks, China's consumer demand has picked up again as the nation tries to shake off the effects of the SARS outbreak. 正当我国努力摆脱SARS带来的影响之际,过去几周的消费需求开始恢复。
- So the damage to the country's exports caused by the SARS outbreak will only emerge in the year's second half, especially in the third quarter. SARS带来的出口影响将在下半年尤其是第三季度表现出来。
- During the SARS outbreak, the lack of hygiene in poor countries had devastating consequences to all people of the world. 在SARS爆发期间,贫困国家医疗设施的缺乏已经给全世界人民带来严重的影响。
- The play, against a background of SARS outbreak, evolves around the affects and humorous daily trivia at a courtyard isolated during the SARS outbreak. 这部话剧以"非典"这一特殊的历史事件为背景,讲述了"非典"特定时期,发生在北京被隔离的一所小院中的或感人或幽默的桩桩小事。
- With fresh memories of its failed coverup of the SARS outbreak in 2002, China this time has been notably more open and aggressive in its response to H1N1. 人们对2002年非典爆发期间政府曾试图掩盖疫情但未成功一事仍记忆犹新,在这种情况下,中国这次在应对甲型H1N1流感时公开性和主动性有明显提高。
- What it does: Passed in the wake of Chinese stonewalling during the SARS outbreak in 2003, the law ostensibly aims to improve the spread of information. 分析: 该法规在2003年非典爆发中国人极度审慎的时期通过,表面上是为了促进信息流通。
- Wang, for example, is widely credited with improving the response to the SARS outbreak in 2003 after he was installed to replace a Beijing mayor who had botched the effort. 以王歧山为例,人们普遍认为,2003年他在非典(SARS)疫情爆发之际临危受命担任北京市长后,领导北京市对这一重大疫情作出了成功应对。
- SARS outbreak, Beijing's suburbs low-density luxury residential non-immolation not affected, but the sales situation, there are different levels of the market turnover. 非典暴发后,北京郊区低密度高档住宅非旦没受影响,反而销售形势看后,各楼盘成交量都有不同程度提高。
- In the early stages of the 2003 SARS outbreak, domestic media downplayed reports on the deadly epidemic, even as it spiraled out of control and spread globally. 2003年SARS爆发初期,国内媒体低调报道,即使后来疫情失去控制,流行全球,依然如此。
- But Wadia said there were no signs of panic, with very few people wearing the surgical masks that became common on Guangzhou streets during the SARS outbreak last year. (不过Wadia说没有恐慌的迹象,去年在SARS爆发期间广州的街道上仍然非常少的人戴口罩。)
- While the SARS outbreak has hit sectors like tourism, transportation and service sectors, it has had little negative impact on properties, automobile, power and metal production industries. SARS造成了旅游业、运输业、服务业的损失,对于汽车、电力和金属制造等行业影响甚微。
- There has been an outbreak of typhoid. 那儿正爆发伤寒。
- a major SARS outbreak in the countryside 非典在农村地区的大规模爆发