- Do you reckon everything 's fine? 你看一切都好吗
- Thant Myint-U's fine book seeks the middle ground. 上述两个极端,吴丹敏(ThantMyint-U)的优秀著作则中规中矩。
- For many people there was no fine partition between art and propaganda. 对许多人来说,艺术和宣传是划不清界线的。
- The leading actor is expert at conveying his role 's fine feeling. 这位男主角善于表现他的角色的细腻感情。
- You can make more aggressive demands on a user’s fine motor skills with direct-manipulation idioms. 你还可以充分调动用户精巧的运动技能,让用户养成使用直接操作的习惯。
- Our performance promotes the disable project and establishes Tercel’s fine visualization. 所到之处扩大了残疾人事业的宣传,树立了“雄鹰”的美好形象。
- Discover Northern Ireland 's finest wetlands - the two Lough Ernes. 发现北爱尔兰的最佳湿地。
- The restaurant"s fine dining experience is integrated with artworks and designs of artists brought to you by MoCA. 通过将当代艺术、设计、音乐、美酒和创意料理的完美融合,为您营造一个美妙邂逅的最佳场所。
- This laurel is exactly explained that Re-Vita’s fine product definitely is the one and the only perfect choice! 这一项殊荣正说明了力维他公司所生产、行销的优良食品,绝对是世人独一无二的最好选择。
- If you' re thinking of becoming a journalist like me, I' d be the last to discourage you. Come on in, the water' s fine ! 如果你想象我一样做一个新闻工作者,那我决不会劝阻你。来吧,快来吧!
- It’s fine to take a deep interest in computers, dance, language or any other disciplines, but not if it jeopardizes breadth. 对计算机、舞蹈或者别的课程特别感兴趣是好事,但是如果因此而危及广度就不好了。
- If my wife wants to tell me she’s ducking out to the shops, that’s fine, but I don’t want to hear what just happened on Neighbours. 如果我妻子想要告诉我她要去商店,那是可以的,但是我不想听刚才邻居们发生了什么。
- Transient applications are not the place for tiny scrollbars and fussy mouse interactions. Keep demands on the user’s fine motor skills down to a minimum. 微小的滚动条和精细的鼠标操作并不适合用在暂时式应用程序上,而应该尽可能少地让用户进行精细运动的操作。
- A.Never mind B.All right C.That’s fine D.Not at all 2.He made a wrong decision, but he was determined to correct it ______ the situation got worse. 每小题1分,满分20分) 从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
- What Wentworth percepts was the praise for Anne’s fine qualities and the criticize for the nobility class’ personalities of selfishness and snobbishness. 温特沃斯认识的完善包含着对安妮优秀品质的赞赏与对于贵族阶级势利自私性格的批判。
- The Rossoneri hit back through Andriy Shevchenko’s fine solo run and shot on 63 minutes and almost immediately the striker fired over from close range. 红黑军团随即凭借舍甫琴科的个人出色发挥在第63分钟扳平了比分。这位射手不久又几乎在近距离攻门得手。
- Tied to the vehicle was an illegal parking ticket, signed by one of the Fourteenth Precinct’s finest. 系在车上的是一张由第十四警管区一名警察签署的违章停车传票。
- OK, that 's fine. 行,这好极了。
- On Rondo’s fines for being late for playoff games, Duffy said: “That’s a private matter. 论回旋曲的罚款迟到的季后赛,杜菲说: “这是一个私人问题。
- Pinchas Zukerman performs regularly with the world’s finest orchestras and has held numerous artistic positions. 祖克曼多次与世界上最好的管弦乐团合作演出,拥有无数的艺术头衔。