- Ruud Stokvis 斯托克菲斯
- Mike van Diem Laurens Geels Ruud van Megen... 外文片名:Character 导演:Mike van Diem 编剧...
- Ruud Van Nistelrooy also joined the midfielder. 范尼也和他一样。
- In two years Ruud notched 60 goals for PSV, alerting United. 在两年中为PSV贡献了60个进球,这打动了曼联。
- Marco Van Basten and Ruud Gullit took that tournament by storm. 谁会忘记马尔科的那记不可思议的进球?
- Excerpt from a talk with Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers of the Netherlands. (这是邓小平同志会见荷兰首相吕贝尔斯时谈话的主要部分。)
- Stokvis Tapes is an independent supplier and converter of self-adhesive tapes and related products for industry. 索威斯胶带(深圳)有限公司是一家独立的工业黏结胶带及其相关产品的供应商及转换商。
- Lampard was runner-up last season with Ruud Gullit and Peter Bonetti runners-up in 1996 and 1970 respectively. 兰帕德在上赛季在此评选中名列第二,鲁德古利特和彼得伯内蒂也曾在1996年及1970年获此奖项第二名。
- Ruud van Nistelrooy's prolific goalscoring exploits have safeguarded his place in United folklore. 范尼的多产进球使他在曼联球迷心目中占有一席之地。
- It is a shame Ruud left,"he said."We will all have to work hard to try to fill that gap. 萨哈说:“范尼的离开无疑是可惜的,因而我们更应当通过努力来弥补其带来的损失”。
- But this is such a big club and we have so many top players here, and if Ruud gets a chance of course he'll score. 但曼联是一家很大的俱乐部,有大量的顶级球星,如果范尼有机会上场的话他也一定进球的。
- One more Champions League goal for Ruud will break Denis Law's 28-goal European scoring record. 他在冠军杯中再进一个球就可以打破丹尼斯。劳的28球欧战进球记录了。
- Our failure to score more goals in Europe is mystifying because Wayne Rooney and Ruud van Nistelrooy have been looking razor sharp and combining well. 不能在欧洲杯取得很多进球实在有点奇怪,因为鲁尼和范尼状态很好并且配合得也很好。
- A goal from Scott Sinclair on the hour won it, but it was the overall performance which delighted manager Ruud Kaiser. 斯科特-辛克莱尔的进球帮助切尔西获胜。不过这足以让鲁得-凯塞尔欣喜若狂。
- "We would have preferred Ruud to join Bayern because that might have helped with Owen's situation," admitted Ferguson. 他说:“我们更倾向于范尼加入拜仁,那样将有助于我们签下哈格”。
- We need more goals to end the game, Ruud van Nistelrooy's goal a lot easier for us. 我们需要更多的进球来终结比赛,范尼的进球让我们轻松了很多。”
- Watching Ruud Tulipano Nero Gullit jump higher than Pagliuca with his hands at Marassi and giving the victory to Milan! 在马拉西球场,“黑色郁金香”罗德?古利特力压桑普多利亚门将帕柳卡,为米兰带来一场伟大的胜利!
- "It was such an important day I wanted everyone to be together and because of that I felt Ruud should be left out. 弗格森在接受采访时表示:“由于是最后一场比赛,因此我希望在如此重要的日子里,全队上下都能够团结一致,而正因为如此我才决定不让范尼首发。
- Ruud van Nistelrooy praised his team for the game, also revealed that the injury may not Jiage light. 他称赞范尼为球队锁定胜局,也透露加戈的伤势可能不轻。
- Jose is the devoted owner of a Yorkie named Gullit - after the legendary long-haired Dutch player Ruud Gullit. 穆里尼奥丢失的那只约克夏犬名叫古里特。警方认为古里特曾被带出英国且在回来后未被注射预防针,所以欲将它带走并隔离起来。