- Rural Credit Union Funds 农村资金互助社
- IS Cooperation the Only Way to Reform of Rural Credit Union? 合作制:农村信用社改革的惟一出路?
- Yanbu Credit Union, as the only Party branch of rural credit unions in Guangdong province, won the title of “Pioneer for Harmonious Construction”. 盐步信用社以全省农村信用社唯一一个党支部被广东省委评为“和谐创建排头兵”。
- The Rural Credit Union of China Focus on the City 中国农信社进城找归宿
- Consideration to the niche strategy of rural credit union 对我国农村信用社生态位经营策略的思考
- Thinking of Structural Reforms of Rural Credit Union 对农村信用合作社体制改革的思考
- On Reform and Development of Rural Credit Union under the Defect System 论制度性缺陷下的农村信用合作社改革和发展问题
- Some issues need to be regarded in the current reform of rural credit union 当前农村信用社改革需要注意的几个问题
- The Problems in Internal Accounting Control System of Rural Credit Union and Relative Improvement Measures 农村信用社会计内部控制中存在的问题及改进措施
- A Study of Organization Structure of Rural Credit Union: The Explanation of Entrustment 中国农村信用社组织结构研究:委托代理的解释
- Analysis on the Reform and Development of the Rural Credit Union in Hebei Province in new Conditions 论河北省农村信用社改革和发展
- Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals. 路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。
- Talking about How the Rural Credit Unions to Prevent the Loan Risks 浅谈如何防范农村信用社贷款风险
- The agreement with the Credit Union expands the pool of available funds and similarly does not require a co-signer. 与哈佛合会达成的协议拓展了经济资助的资金源,同样也不需要联署保证人。
- Corporate Representative Administration in Reforming Rural Credit Unions 农村信用社改革中法人治理问题研究
- We will deepen the reform of rural credit cooperatives. 农业结构有所优化,优质、专用农产品增加。
- Rual finance: is the accommodation of monetary fund in rural area, that is the process of organization, allocation, dispensing and operation of rural credit funds. 农村金融:农村金融就是农村中货币资金的融通,即组织、分配、调剂、营运农村信贷资金的过程。
- One would think that at least this subgroup of state and union funds within CII could adhere to a standard definition of director/board independence. 有人认为至少CII下的州和联合基金组织会遵守CII关于董事/董事会独立的标准定义。
- He is ready to subscribe to at least one share of the Credit Union. 愿意认购社股至少一股,并缴纳入社费者。
- Conditional support and help rural credit cooperatives Xianlianshe in capital markets, through loan and borrow funds with the industry funds remaining places. 支持和帮助有条件的农村信用社县联社参加资金市场,通过同业拆借和同业借款调剂资金余缺。