- What is your view on the mass damper rule change coming mid season? 问:你对赛季中质量减震器规则的更改有什么看法?
- Q: What is your view on the mass damper rule change coming mid season? 问:你对赛季中质量减震器规则的更改有什么看法?
- The FAA said the rule change -- a temporary one -- was made for safety reasons. FAA说现在规则改变了,短暂的,只是为了安全上的顾虑。
- Another rule change for 2009 will see the reintroduction of slick tyres. 2009年另一项规则的变动是光头胎的重现。
- Asian equities buoyed by Beijing's rules change. 北京法例改变鼓舞亚洲股市。
- There have been lots of rule changes in volleyball. 排球规则这几年变了很多。
- It is a type of spontaneous morphological rule change that involves exceptional plural forms of nouns. 英语名词复数的形式有规则形态变化与不规则形态变化两种,在英语演化过程中,由于不规则形态趋于规则化,所以复数形式趋向简化。
- A representative of the SEC, which made the rule change, notes that since 2001, stocks have traded in decimals, rather than fractions. SEC的一名代表指出,自2001年以来,股票价格都是以小数来计,而不是分数。
- This is a rule change entire circulation time, the fund loses the earthshaking day, to be listed becomes stock market's new person. 这是一个规则改变的全流通时代,基金失去叱咤风云的日子,上市公司成为股市的新人。
- "In normal years, even if you have a reasonable rule change, some of the things like wing profiles or brake ducts can carry over. “其他时候,就算是有规则变化,翼片规则和和刹车片也都不需要变化。
- Lowering this value means that a rule change becomes effective sooner, but it could have a negative performance impact, as the system will poll more often. 减少该值意味著规则变更的时间更加短了,然而这也会产生负面的影响,因为对于系统的查询将变得更加频繁了。
- In announcing the proposed rule change, HHS Sec.Mike Leavitt conceded that some groups might want to “press the definition of abortion” to include birth control. 在公布办法草案的过程中,卫生及公共服务部部长迈克莱维特承认某些小组可能想要努力地把节育也包含进堕胎的定义里。
- I play a ball game rub few, after now the rule changed, the velocity of whirl did not have before was strong. 我打球摩擦少,现在规则改了后,旋转速度都没有以前强。
- What the league can do is make rule changes that influence coaching strategy, which then can change the style of play and the style of players in the NBA. 联盟所能做的就是改变规则进而影响(球队的)执教策略,而执教策略能够改变NBA的比赛风格和球员风格。
- When this attribute is placed on a property, the rules change for obtaining attributes for the property descriptor's Attributes collection. 在一个属性(Property)上设置此属性(Attribute)后,为属性(Property)说明符的Attributes集合获取属性(Attribute)的规则将发生更改。
- Northwest said the cost of the extra pay will be offset by the value of other work rule changes and grievance settlements. 西北航空表示,成本的额外支付,将抵消价值的其他工作规则变化冤情定居点。
- As basketball playing rules change, there are more and more out-of-bounds play in competitions, yet this kind of attack has not been paid much attention to. 随着篮球规则的变革,掷界外球进攻的次数越来越多,而在各类比赛中,对于这种进攻方法重视得还不够。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- You'll have to fight through a lot of opposition to get the rules changed. 你得设法说服反对意见才能使这一规定得以修改。
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。