- Delgado was particularly intrigued by the experiments of Swiss physiologist Walter Rudolf Hess. 尤其是瑞士生理学家黑斯的实验工作,更引起他极大兴趣。
- The defendants at the Nuremberg Nazi trials.Pictured in the front row are: Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. 在德国纽伦堡战犯审判大会上,坐在前排的是:赫尔曼.;格林、鲁道夫
- The Flight Of Hitler's Deputy Rudolf Hess 希特勒的副元首赫斯。鲁道夫的逃亡
- Rudolf Hess 鲁道夫·赫斯
- Rudolf Hess, who had been the Number Three man before his flight to England, his face now emaciated, his deep-set eyes staring vacantly into space, feigning amnesia but leaving no doubt that he was a broken man; 鲁道夫 - 赫斯在飞往英格兰以前曾经是第三号人物,如今面容憔悴,凹下去的眼睛失神地瞪着前方,他假装患了健忘症,但是一望而知是个垮了的人。
- Rudolf was rounding a bleak, dangerous cape. 鲁道夫正在绕过一个荒凉险峻的海岬。
- Hess has an unusual philosophy of life. 海丝有不寻常的人生观。
- From left to right: Sisi, Franz and Rudolf. 从左至右:茜茜、弗朗茨、鲁道夫。
- Never before had Rudolf played with such mastery. 鲁道夫从未演奏得这么炉火纯青。
- That's the fashion news form Donna Hess. 这是多娜.;海比带给我们时装方面的消息
- Mr. Hess hitched his horse to the tree. 赫斯先生把马拴在树上。
- Rudolf ,Do you want to go out with me tonight ? 儒道夫今晚你能和我约会吗?
- "Hess said to express their views. 赫斯发表自己的观点说。
- Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose. 鲁道尔夫正在起诉对它红鼻子滥用。
- Ervin Herold (as Rudolf Deyl ml. ) (欧文herold (鲁道夫deyl毫升) 。
- Dough Badman (as Rudolf Deyl ml. ) (面团badman (鲁道夫deyl毫升) 。
- Rudolf watched the red taillights speeding off. 鲁道夫看著红色的汽车尾灯急驰而去。
- Aging ex-opera czar Sir Rudolf Bing and his wife flew here from London yesterday to face the music in a long-running legal battle over their marriage. 现已年迈的前歌剧大师鲁道夫·宾爵士和他太太,为他们旷日费时的婚姻官司,昨天自伦敦飞抵此间出庭。
- Welcome back to "Hello America."Today's guest is Donna Hess. 欢迎回到“你好;美国”演播室。今天的嘉宾的多娜.;海丝小姐。
- Professor Hess says food security is national security. DaleHess教授说食物安全就是国家安全。