- Recent operational deployments for the Harriers have been to Italy in support of NATO and UN operations in Bosnia and Serbia, and to the Gulf embarked on Royal Navy aircraft carriers. 鹞最近参与的军事行动是在意大利支援北约和联合国在波斯尼亚和塞尔维亚的行动。
- Royal Navy Aircraft 皇家海军飞机
- Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy. 英国一直有一支强大的海军,称为皇家海军。
- This attack left a dent in the Royal Navy pride. 这次攻击沉重打击了皇家海军的自尊心。
- In 1985 China purchased the 17,000-ton former Royal Australian Navy aircraft carrier, HMAS Melbourne as scrap, and she was finally broken up in Dalian, China. 1985年;中国购买了1.;7万吨;前澳大利亚皇家海军的航空母舰;驱逐舰墨尔本作为废铁;她终于打破了大连
- It is the biggest cruiser ever built for the Royal Navy. 它是皇家海军迄今为止建造的最大的一艘巡洋舰。
- The Royal Navy′ s first destroyer, HMS Havock, went on trials. 英国皇家海军第一艘驱逐舰"摧毁号"进行试航。
- Much goes into flight operations aboard today's modern Navy aircraft carrier. 翻译:现代海军航空母舰今天进入飞行的运行状态。
- Sean joined the Royal Navy in 1991 as a missile-man. 1991年,肖恩加入皇家海军成为一名导弹发射兵。
- Quote: “The only traditions of the Royal Navy are rum, sodomy and the lash. 引语:皇家海军的唯一传统是朗姆酒、鸡奸和鞭子。
- What brand of gin is most closely associated with the British Royal Navy? 哪个品牌的金酒与英国皇家海军有着紧密地联系?
- The wisdom of this effort did not become obvious until the Gulf War when it was found that the Navy aircraft,lacking such systems,were much less effective. 这样做的高明之处直到海湾战争才显露出来。当时,海军的飞机由于没有装备这种系统,轰炸效果要差得多。
- Software Description: About Navy Aircraft, See 38 images of U.S. Naval aircraft in action, including fighters and helicopters. 看到美国的38幅形象在行动中的海军的飞机,包括歼击机和直升飞机。
- Software Description: About US Navy Aircraft Carrier Historical Archive, Check out these authentic WWII photos from the U.S. Navy historical archives. 来自美国的这些可信的二次世界大战的海军历史性的相片档案。
- Battle of Cape Spartivento: The Royal Navy engages the Regia Marina in the Mediterranean. 1940年,斯帕蒂文托角战役:皇家海军在地中海瑞吉亚海岸(意大利)与敌军交战。
- Walden recalled that Churchill, at forty, was very young to be in charge of the entire Royal Navy. 沃尔登想到邱吉尔才四十岁就统帅整个皇家海军也是太年轻。
- Thursday's activities included a parade of Chinese warships, a flypast by PLA Navy aircraft and an international fleet review attended by 21 foreign vessels from 14 countries. 此次阅兵式检阅了中国海军舰艇编队、空中编队,以及由14个国家的21艘舰艇组成的国际舰队。
- She was a mascot on a Royal Navy vessel that was torpedoed in 1942 and spent three years in a Japanese POW camp. 她是一艘在1942年被鱼雷攻击的皇家海军船舶的吉祥物,其后她在日本的一个战俘营渡过了三年。
- The steady improvements in the Royal Navy could not now rescue victory from defeat. 皇家海军的境况在逐渐改善,但这一切都不可能力挽狂澜,转败为胜。
- The frist Englishman to visit New Zealand in 1769 was Captain James COok of the British Royal Navy. 最早到达新西兰的英国人是英国皇家海军的詹姆士。库克船长,1769年。