- Routing Information Based Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks 一种基于路由信息的传感网络定位算法
- routing information base 路由信息库
- Routing information is now maintained. 现在要维护路由资讯。
- What command is used to display routing information? 什么命令可以用来显示路由信息?
- This is the information base of CHINA EDUCATION EXPERT ASSOCIATION(CCEE). 这里是中国教育专家委员会的基本信息库。
- Every five minutes thereafter, the routing group member polls the master to query for up-to-date routing information. 之后的每五分钟,路由组成员都轮询主服务器,以查询最新的路由信息。
- Client nodes consist of various processes, which are consumers of routing information, running on the server. 客户端节点由运行在服务器上的不同进程(路由信息的使用者)组成。
- This intranet function has now been elevated to a level where one firm's staff is given privileged access to another corporation's information base. 这种内特网的功能现在又提升到新的高度,此时一家公司的职员被赋予特权,访问另一家公司的信息库。
- Use WinRoute to determine the link state routing information as known to the routing master. 使用WinRoute确定路由组主服务器已知的链路状态路由信息。
- Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine The routing engine provides topology and routing information for message delivery. Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine路由引擎为邮件传递提供拓扑信息和路由信息。
- Routing tables are continuously built and rebuilt by intelligent discovery protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol or Open Shortest Path First. 路由表由智能发现协议,如路由信息协议或者开放最短路径优先协议,不断地被建立和再建立。
- A management information base (MIB) used to store network measurement results is designed and implemented in the paper. 本文设计并实现了一个用于存储网络测试数据的管理信息库.
- Each autonomous system(AS) use border gateway protocol(BGP) to exchange routing information with other ASes. 边界网关协议的关键特征是允许网络管理者定义自己的路由策略,路由策略允许自治系统向邻居自治系统通告其全部或部分路由。
- An OBS sub tree is added to the Management Information Base (MIB) to meet the requirements of OBS network management. 我们在标准网络管理信息库(MIB)中扩展加入了OBS子树,定义了相应的网络管理对象。
- Border Gateway Protocol BGP4 is a distributed routing protocol used by AS to interchange routing information. 边界网关协议BGP4是用于自治系统之间交换路由信息的动态分布式路由协议。
- As a packet arrives on an MPLS node, its label--provided there is one--is compared to an onboard database called the label information base(LIB). 当一个包到达MPLS节点时,其标签(只要有)就与报上的数据库(称作标签信息库,缩写为LIB)进行比较。
- NET Framework Traceroute program;useful to view the routing information of a Web ... 一个路由跟踪程序,能够看访问一个网站/ip要经过多少点 需要安装 Microsoft .
- This information is stored in a database, called a management information base (MIB). 资讯储存在称为管理资讯库(MIB)的资料库中。
- Holddown timer This sets the amount of time during which routing information is suppressed. 保持失效定时器:用于设置路由信息被抑制的时间值。
- Management Information Base (MIB) is a collection of information that is organized hierarchically. 管理信息库是被hierarchically组织的信息的收集。