- Rough cut resource planning LT 粗资源计划
- Rough Cut Capacity Planning LT 粗能力计划
- ERP is short for Enterprise Resource Planning. 企业资源计划。
- In a film studio the editor's first version of a film is the rough cut. 在制片厂里,剪辑师最初剪出来的片子叫毛剪或初剪。
- Human resource planning, recruitment, and selection. 人力资源规划、招募和选择;
- Film Editor: Well, after the 'rough cut' comes the 'fine cut' when the film takes its final form. “粗剪”之后就是“精剪”.;影片成型后;制片人和导演会看一下样片。
- Outline steps in a SWOT analysis for strategic human resource planning. 描画出关于人力资源战略规划的SWOT分析的轮廓。
- France's "Nowhere Promised Land" clinched best cinematography and the South Korean drama "Rough Cut" was honored for the best music score. 法国的“无福之地”夺得最佳摄影奖,韩国电影“电影就是电影”荣获最佳音乐奖。
- ERP refers to the management system of enterprise resource planning. 摘要ERP是企业资源计划管理体系。
- RCCP Rough Cut Capacity Planning 粗略产能规划
- ERP is Enterprise Resources Planning. ERP是企业资源计划;
- ERP5 is a pythonic,Zope-based,open source enterprise resource plan system. ERP5是使用Python开发基于Zope的开放源代码企业管理系统。
- Human's rough cutting and obtaining eventually led to the sandstorm. 人类乱砍滥伐,终于酿成了沙尘暴这杯苦酒!
- Students in some schools have complained about their living conditions,saying that no one is paying attention to the way their kitchens are run,that spinach,after one rough cut,is thrown into the pot with the dirt still on it. 有的学校学生提出生活问题,说厨房没有人管,菠菜就切这么一下,连沙子都煮到锅里面去了。
- Compile resource plans to ensure the quality of job fulfillment. 编写资源计划以保证工作完成质量。
- Equipment room floor layout plan LT 机房平面布置图
- Students in some schools have complained about their living conditions, saying that no one is paying attention to the way their kitchens are run, that spinach, after one rough cut, is thrown into the pot with the dirt still on it. 有的学校学生提出生活问题,说厨房没有人管,菠菜就切这么一下,连沙子都煮到锅里面去了。
- Theories and Methods of Mineral Resources Planning II. 矿产资源规划的理论与方法2。
- ERP Enterprise Resource Planning is a solution to BPR Business Process Reengineering. 所谓ERP Enterprise Resource Planning企业资源规划,乃是一种企业再造的解决方法。
- In rough cut of NC milling of helicoid, there are many defects when the generic programming means, for example,longer cutting time,inefficient , exigent tools are used. 在螺旋曲面的数控粗加工中,采用一般的编程方法得到的刀具路径在实际应用中存在加工时间长、效率低、对刀具要求高等缺点。