- Roses scent the air in spring. 春天,玫瑰使空气中溢满香气。
- Roses scent the air in spring . 春天,玫瑰使空气中溢满香气。
- The flowers sweetly scented the air in the kitchen. 鲜花的香味充满着整个厨房。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- There is a chill in the air in early spring. 春寒料峭。
- The odour of pines pervades the air in the forest. 林子里的空气中充满着松树的气味。
- There is still a chill in the air in early spring. 早春时节依然是春寒料峭。
- He treads on the air in his new vest and sunbonnet. 康德穿着背心遮阳帽在街上高兴的走,现在一个游历战士该有的他全有了。
- An electric fan keeps the air in circulation. 电扇使空气流通。
- Roses that scent the air. 香味四溢的玫瑰。
- Tobacco fumes filled the air in the room. 室内的空气中充满了香烟的烟雾。
- They used to take the air in the evening. 他们过去常在傍晚时去户外散步。
- Cars pollute the air in the form of waste gas. 汽车以废气的形式污染空气。
- The air is warm and everything looks fresh and green in Spring. 春天天气宜人,一片绿色,万物生机勃勃。
- A mixture of dried flower petals and spices used to scent the air. 百花香:干燥花瓣和能使空气变香的香料的混合物所以要使用复数。
- She sighed for the air in the countryside. 她思慕乡下那清幽的空气。
- The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring, Its summer blossoms scent the air; Yet wait till winter comes again And who will call the wild-briar fair? 春天野蔷薇灿烂开放,夏天空气里弥漫它的芬芳。而待到冬天再来时,还会有谁把它赞扬?
- We will be on the air in five minutes. 我们五分钟以后开始广播。
- Roses scented the night air. 夜空中弥漫着玫瑰花香。
- We'll be on the air in five minutes. 我们将在五分钟后开始广播。