- Rome III criteria 罗马III标准
- The threat of vetoes from Sweden and like-minded countries has blocked Rome III. 瑞典以及一些观点相近的国家威胁要投票否决改革,致使现行的罗马III搁浅。
- Now that Rome III has been stymied, a group of nine countries, led by Spain and France, is going ahead under a provision in EU law known as “enhanced co-operation”. 虽然罗马三号已经陷入泥潭,一个由西班牙和法国率领的九国集团却的在名为“加强合作”的欧盟规章下义无反顾的前行。
- We compared the strength of the associations of ATP III criteria and of NAFLD to insulin resistance, oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in nonobese nondiabetic subjects. 相比,我们的力量该协会的三磷酸腺苷三的标准和nafld胰岛素抵抗,氧化应激和血管内皮功能障碍的非肥胖非糖尿病科目。
- We used both the reised and original National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (NCEP/ATP) III criteria to define the metabolic syndrome. 利用全美胆固醇计划**治疗小组(NCEP/ATP)推荐的III标准(修订版)和初版标准诊断代谢综合征。
- An EU measure called Rome III, now under negotiation and pencilled in[3] to come into force in 2008, tries to ensure that the marriage is ended by the law that has governed it most closely. 欧盟又推出了“罗马三号(RomeIII)”措施,目前还在协商修改中,将于2008年正式生效。该措施旨在确保婚姻由与其关系最为密切的法律来终结。
- An EU measure called Rome III, now under negotiation and pencilled in to come into force in 2008, tries to ensure that the marriage is ended by the law that has governed it most closely. 现在一项名为罗马第三号法案的规定正在起草之中,并将于2008年付诸实施,该法案旨在保证离婚时所采用的离婚法律应该是离该国最近的一国的离婚法。
- An EU measure called Rome III, now under negotiation and penciled in to come into force in 2008, tries to ensure that the marriage is ended by the law that has governed it most closely. 欧盟又推出了“罗马三号(RomeIII)”措施,目前还在协商修改中,将于2008年正式生效。该措施旨在确保婚姻由与其关系最为密切的法律来终结。
- We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London. 我们从罗马去伦敦的途中曾在巴黎停留。
- Rome was the greatest city in all Christendom. 罗马是当时世界上最伟大的城市。
- They passed through Paris en route for Rome. 他们途经巴黎前往罗马。
- I encountered an old friend at Rome. 我在罗马邂逅了一个老朋友。
- Rome went down before the barbarian invaders. 罗马被野蛮的侵略者所征服。
- After that he took us to tour Rome. 然后他带我们去游览罗马。
- The new church is modeled after St.Peter's in Rome. 这新教学是仿照罗马圣彼德教学建造的。
- My own criterion of success is the ability to work joyfully. 我自己成功的标准是能够快乐地工作。
- Rome's power reached its zenith under the emperor Trajan. 罗马帝国的势力在图雷真皇帝的统治下达到顶峰。
- Rome welcomes millions of visitors each year. 罗马每年要接待数以百万计的游客。
- We had a week in Rome and then went to Vienna. 我们在罗马呆了一个星期,然後去的维也纳。
- Did your proposed trip to Rome ever come off? 你提出的到罗马旅行,后来去了吗?