- If you want to be successful you must roll up your sleeves. 如果你想成功,你必须准备做艰苦的工作。
- Roll up your sleeves and solvethe problem. 卷起袖子去解决问题吧。
- I'll give you IV, please roll up your sleeve. 我给您进行静脉注射,请您卷起衣袖。
- Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve. 请脱掉外衣,卷起袖子。
- It's time you rolled up your sleeves young man and started earning your living. 年轻人,该是你们好好干活,独自谋生的时候了。
- If you want to get something done, just roll up your sleeves and do it. 如果想做成一件事,那就撸起袖子准备迎难而上吧。
- Sorather than resent your situation, roll up your sleeves and get towork. 与其怨恨你的状况,不如卷起袖子投入工作。
- Please roll up your sleeve, and then clench your fist. 请把袖子卷起来,握紧拳头。
- It's time you rolled up your sleeves and did an honest day's work. 现在你该准备好正儿八经地干这一天的活了。
- When Saturn begins to spin his magic, he may make you more sensitive to humanitarian concerns and environmental needs, and you may decide to roll up your sleeves to help out. 当土星开始旋转他的神奇,他可以让你更敏感的人道主义关切和环境需求,并且可能决定卷起你的袖子帮忙。
- Please roll up your sleeves. 把袖子挽起来!
- Take some blood from your arm. Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve. 我要从你的手臂上取点血。请脱掉上衣;卷起袖子.
- Roll up your sleeves, please. 请卷起袖子.
- Roll up your sleeve, I shall take your blood pressure. 卷起袖子,我来测一下您的血压。
- Having a kitchen with state-of-the-art appliances may not indicate that you are a professional chef but it definitely shows that you are a connoisseur who is willing to roll up your sleeves in order to prepare a gastronomic delight. 拥有一个安装有先进家电、厨具的厨房,不一定代表你是一位专业大厨,倒显示你必定是位元美食鉴赏家,喜欢自己动手料理餐点。
- Roll up your sleeves. 把你的袖子挽起来。
- Mr.Hwang: Roll up your sleeves, learn from the ground up;leave no gaps in your learning not only from books, seminars and workshop, but, more important, on the job from experienced practitioners. 在学习过程中不要留下空白,不仅仅在书本、研讨会和学习班中学习,而且更为重要的是,要在工作中从经验丰富的从业者那里吸取经验。
- Please roll up your sleeve. 请卷起你的袖子。
- If you imagine trying to solve all the world's problems at once,though,you're likely to quit before you finish rolling up your sleeves. 假定你想在片刻之间解决世上的所有问题,那么你有可能在卷起袖子准备大干一场前就知难而退。
- If you imagine trying to solve all the world's problems at once, though, you're likely to quit before you finish rolling up your sleeves. 假如你想在片刻之间解决世上所有的问题,那么你有可能在卷起袖子准备大干一场前就知难而退了。