- River and Lake School poets 江湖诗派
- the Poets of Rivers and Lakes School 江湖诗派
- In places where there are rivers and lakes, students goes to school by boat. 在那些有河有湖的地方,学生通常坐船上学。(定语从句)
- Many rivers and lakes are polluted. 许多河流和湖泊被污染。
- Introduction to momentum and scalar transport in environmental flows, with emphasis given to river and lake systems. 介绍环境流场中的动量及纯量传输,主要著重于河川和湖泊系统的探讨。
- People go swimming in rivers and lakes. 人们到江湖中游泳。
- This is also borne out by the fact that the river and lake deposits contain peat. 这一点也被河湖沉积物中包含着泥炭这样的事实所证明。
- How does the humanity conquer the rivers and lakes? 人类如何面对江湖?
- The swindle of rivers and lakes. 江湖骗局。
- As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead. 结果,许多河流和湖泊现在已经不复存在了。
- There are countle rivers and lakes on earth. 世界上有无数河流和湖泊。
- Squaliobarbus for middle-level fish, like dwelling on a more moderate flow of the river and lake waters. 赤眼鳟为中层鱼类,喜欢栖居于江河流速较缓的水域和湖泊。
- There are many rivers and lakes on the earth. 地球上有许多江河和湖泊。
- There are countless rivers and lakes on earth. 世界上有无数的河流和湖泊.
- Finally, we realize to monitor the turbidity of inland river and lake timely, dynamically and speedy. 最终实现对内陆河流湖泊的含沙状况进行实时、动态、快速的监测。
- Garbage pollutes our rivers and lakes. 垃圾污染我们的河川湖泊。
- Read here for Making rivers and lakes. 阅读这里制作河流和湖泊。
- A city of southeast Louisiana between the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain. 新奥尔良:美国路易斯安那州东南部城市,位于密西西比河和庞恰特雷恩湖之间。
- Discovery and study of the Early Pleistocene river and lake facies stratum in Bukedaban area of the western segment in the eastern Kunlun Mt. 东昆仑西段布喀达坂峰地区早更新世河湖相地层的发现及初步研究。