- Right lower lobe mucus 右肺下叶粘液
- The bronchoscopy revealed polypoid tissues surrounding an aspirated fish bone in the orifice of the right lower lobe bronchus. 支气管镜显示右下支气管开口有多发性,息肉状组织围绕著一块吸入的鱼骨头。
- X-ray films of the chest showed cloudy patches over the right lower lung field in the posterior-anterior view and over the postero-basal segment of the right lower lobe and the right middle lobe in the lateral view. X线胸部正位片可见右下肺野斑片状模糊阴影,侧位片可见于右下叶后基底段和中叶
- Right lower lobe anterior segmental bronchus 右肺下叶前段支气管
- Right lower lobe apical segmental bronchus 右肺下叶尖段支气管
- Right lower lobe bronchial lumen 右肺下叶支气管腔
- Right lower lobe lateral segmental bronchus 右肺下叶外段支气管
- Right lower lobe medial segmental bronchus 右肺下叶内段支气管
- Right lower lobe posterior segmental bronchus 右肺下叶后段支气管
- Left lower lobe mucus 左肺下叶粘液
- 2.The bronchoscopy revealed polypoid tissues surrounding an aspirated fish bone in the orifice of the right lower lobe bronchus. 支气管镜显示右下支气管开口有多发性,息肉状组织围绕著一块吸入的鱼骨头。
- 9.The bronchoscopy revealed polypoid tissues surrounding an aspirated fish bone in the orifice of the right lower lobe bronchus. 支气管镜显示右下支气管开口有多发性,息肉状组织围绕著一块吸入的鱼骨头。
- RLL right lower lobe pneumonia 右下肺叶肺炎
- The distribution of lung cancer than right lung left lung, lower lobe than the upper lobe. 肺癌的分布情况右肺多于左肺,下叶多于上叶。
- right lower lobe bronchus 右下叶支气管
- right lower lobe lung no rales 右肺下叶没有啰音
- Right lower lobe of lung 右肺下叶
- right lower lobe(of lungs) 右下叶(肺)
- The lower lobe of the deeply forked caudal fin is longer than the upper lobe. 尾鳍深叉型,下叶比上叶长。
- After the flight ends, appear gammy, coma of right lower limbs. 飞行结束后出现跛行,右下肢麻木。