- Rhesus antibody Rh 抗体
- rhesus antibody Rh[血型]抗体
- Blood group antibody rh' rh'血型抗体
- Blood group antibody Rh Rh血型抗体
- Blood group antibody Rh(43) Rh43血型抗体
- antibody Rh Rh(血型)抗体
- The attraction between an antigen and an antibody. 化合力抗原和抗体之间的相互吸引
- One cause may be an RH incompatibility. 一个原因可能是rh因子不相配。
- TNF Antagonists Reduce Cardiovascular Deaths in Rh. TNF拮抗剂能够降低类风湿关节炎患者的心血管死亡率。
- Our end product is an anti-cancer antibody. 我们的最终产品是一种抗癌抗体。
- Set temperature and RH by requirements. 8根据需要设置温度和湿度。
- Rhesus Monkeys Make Clever Thieves. 绒猴聪明地偷窃。
- The spores could not germinate under RH<93%. 相对湿度小于 93%25 ,孢子不能萌发。
- The related antibody to B virus (BVRA) of Rhesus monkey from different regions of Guangxi were detected by IEA and ELISA. 采用玻片免疫酶法(IEA)和酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELISA),检查了来自广西不同来源恒河猴B病毒的相关抗体。
- RH electronegative blood, who can explain? RH阴性血,谁能解释一下?
- Using for covers of heating stove, EAF, RH. 加热炉炉顶、水梁包扎,各种高温炉内衬。
- RH: Have you ever fancied playing for Barcelona? 有没有想过去巴萨。
- RH: Yes, we were often on stage together. 是的,我们经常同时在舞台上出现。
- RH: Isn't that illegal, violate copyright rules? 那是不是违法的啊?侵犯版权?
- These are the antibody molecules. 这些是抗体微小颗粒。