- Retina of left eye 左眼视网膜
- Purpose: Here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision. 摘要目的:报告一例因罹患蝶窦黏液囊肿而导致单侧外展神经麻痹及视力丧失的病例。
- We report a 70-year-old man who presented with sudden onset of left eye proptosis, ptosis and diplopia after severe vomiting. 摘要非创伤性的眼窝骨膜下出血曾经被报导过,一般都是因突然间的脑静脉压上升,或是全身性有出血倾向的疾病,或鼻窦炎。
- She suffered from ptosis of left eye and received ptosis correction under the impression of senile ptosis in Japan 1 year ago. 其曾因左上眼睑下垂被误诊为老年性眼睑下垂,于一年前赴日接受矫正手术。
- Images are projected onto the retina of the eye. 影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。
- Eye movement revealed limitation of superior rectus, lateral rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of left eye. 眼球运动显示左眼上直肌,外直肌,及下斜肌功能受损。
- A 35-year-old female visited our OPD with the chief complaints of poor vision of left eye since childhood. 本篇报告一位三十五岁女性,因自幼左眼视力不良而来就诊,被诊断为先天性视网膜脉络膜缺损。
- A clinical observation showed a slightly elevated and sharply demarcated plaque with vertical vessels seen on end straddling the upper cornea and superior limbus of left eye. 病患61岁男性,左眼轮部及角膜上半部长一片稍呈隆起的斑块,病理切片检查证实为结膜上皮原位癌已侵犯角膜。
- Twenty hours after the surgery, the patient developed severe left eye pain and tenderness, massive swelling of left periorbital tissue with proptosis. 触诊发现其左眼球呈现若石头般坚硬,并且视力开始减退。
- Orbital computed tomography showed calcification at posterior medial sclera of the left eye and cerebral atrophy of left temporal lobe. 磁振摄影发现左眼外上方及左脑岩骨处各有一脂肪成分的肿块。
- A case of sympathelic ophthammia after a wasp sting of left eye for 38 years was reported. The pathological diagnosis of the enueleated left eye was sympathetic ophthalmia. 本文报告1例经病理检查证实的由黄蜂螫伤左眼38年后致交感性眼炎。
- He had a bruise just below his left eye. 他有个伤疤正好在他左眼的下侧。
- visual acuity of left eye, visual acuity, left eye 左眼视力; 左眼视敏度
- Chart 2.Homonymous hemianopia of left side . 图2双眼左侧同向性偏盲(左下方重)。
- It started raining when I was on the point of leaving home. 我正要离开家的时候开始下雨了。
- I was deterred from emigrating by the thought of leaving my family. 我舍不得离开家,所以决定不移居国外了。
- Please click items of left side for you reference. 请点击左边栏目浏览您要了解的内容。
- This idea is way out of left field. 这个想法实在太荒谬了.
- He struck the boy under the left eye. 他一拳打在男孩左眼下边。
- When the lights were turned off, they lingered on the retina of his eyes. 灯关掉后,光线似乎还迟迟地不肯从他的视网膜上消失。