- The search results are returned to the user in a fraction of a second. 搜寻结果会在一秒内传回给使用者。
- Results returned to the user. 结果返回给用户。
- Those pages receiving the most pecks are returned to the top of the user’s results page and the other results are listed in ‘pecking order’. 那些被啄过最多次的页面就被显示在用户搜索结果的顶部。
- He returned to the fold at his 80's. 他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。
- As long as the counter is positive, contral is returned to the user program. 只要计数器是正数,控制器就返回到用户程序。
- Now she returned to the subject of juvenile delinquency in that country. 现在她又回过来讲那个国家少年犯罪的问题。
- A string constant used in postback event arguments to indicate whether the user should be returned to the list view. 在回发事件参数中使用的字符串常量,用于指示是否应使用户返回到列表视图。
- The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect. 包裹因姓名地址有误而退给了寄件人。
- If the user wants to use some other tool on the graphic, like an eraser, he must return to the toolbox and select the eraser tool. 如果用户希望在画图中使用其他工具,比如橡皮擦,则必须回到工具箱选择该工具。
- It would be more sensible to provide a way that allows the user to return to the game in a more relaxed state. 提供一种允许用户以更轻松的状态返回游戏的方法可能更切合实际。
- They returned to the land from whence they came. 他们回到告别了的故土。
- To undo a hard match (that is, e-mail addresses that match) return to the Account Migration page and clear the user. 若要撤消硬匹配(即匹配的电子邮件地址),请返回“帐户迁移”页并清除该用户。
- If you detect an error, you prevent your own code from running; the page continues to process and is returned to the user with error messages. 如果检测到错误,您自己的代码将无法运行;页将继续处理并返回给用户,并向其显示错误信息。
- Warning - Used to signal a warning to the user. 警告-用于向用户发出警告。
- Tom returned to the camp to dress his injuries . 汤姆返回营地去包扎他的伤口。
- The site grants access to the user. 站点授予该用户访问权限。
- He had evidently returned to the spot of the crime. 他显然曾回到过犯罪现场。
- The user then clicks the back arrow to return to the page, and lo, the 10 valid entries were inconsiderately discarded along with the single invalid one. 于是用户单击返回箭头回到页面,发现那些正确的输入连同那些无效的输入一起都删除了。
- May I refer you to the user's manual? 请你参考一下使用手册。
- He returned to the desk without knowing what to do. 彼得回到了办公桌,他真地迷茫了。