- Another archival or restoration process is currently in progress on this computer. Cannot continue archival at this time. 此计算机上有另一个存档或还原进程正在执行。目前无法继续存档。
- Another archival or restoration process is currently in progress on this machine. Cannot continue restoration at this time. 此计算机上有另一个存档或还原进程正在执行。目前无法继续还原数据库。
- Time allows the system to transform, to grow, and even more, it allows us to better manage and monitor the restoration process in a more adaptive way. 时间让生态系统演进和生长,它甚至允许我们以一种更适宜的方式来更好地管理和监督生态修复的过程。
- The physiognomy,species composition and the structure of communities in the restoration process in Tudiling of Mao County on upper reach of Minjiang River were studied. 对岷江上游土地岭生态恢复过程中的群落外貌、物种组成和结构进行了研究。
- To solve the problem of calculate maximum power in power system restoration process, the paper proposes the method of combined of flow calculation and sensitivity. 针对电力系统恢复过程中最大功率计算问题,提出了将潮流计算和灵敏度分析相结合的方法。
- The results showed that the species richness and diversity in different successional series of the P. orientalis plantations were gradually increased with a fluctuating way in the restoration process. 结果表明,高山侧柏人工林不同恢复过程中物种的丰富度、多样性和均匀性指数都在波动中逐渐增加。
- If the restore process is unsuccessful, you can revert to the original versions, which might be repairable. 如果还原过程不成功,则可以回复到可能可以修复的原始版本。
- For timely backup and restore processes, 8 terabytes of messaging storage is beyond most organizations'requirements to meet SLAs. 对于适时的备份和还原进程,8 TB的邮件存储超出了许多组织为满足SLA而提出的要求。
- If this restore process fails, you might be able to use the existing files to restore your MSExchangeSRS service data. 如果该还原过程失败,您或许可以使用现有文件来还原MSExchangeSRS服务数据。
- By default, the Restore log file is set to record only a summary of the restore process. 默认情况下,还原日志文件设置为仅记录还原过程的摘要。
- Manage Oracle / Sybase / SQL database, ensure smooth running, ensure database backup and restore process. 根据集团内外部网站结构设计来设计和维护公司内外站网站,从而满足当地业务发展要求。
- The occurrence of this individual event does not indicate a problem if your online restore process completes successfully. 如果联机还原过程成功完成,则此个别事件并不表示存在问题。
- The restore process does not initiate hard recovery to play back the log files to the database that is being restored until this box is selected. 如果不选中该框,还原过程不会启动硬恢复来向正在还原的数据库播放日志文件。
- However, at the server level, some management and maintenance tasks, such as backup and restore processes, can be more quickly performed if you have several smaller databases. 但是,在服务器级别上,如果有多个较小的数据库,一些管理和维护任务(如备份和还原过程)执行起来会更快。
- The restoration of data to a previously known or defined state. 将数据恢复到先前已知或规定的状态。
- If you want to delay the restore process on the secondary server, choose a delay time under Delay restoring backups at least. 如果希望延迟辅助服务器上的还原进程,请在“延迟还原备份操作至少”下选择延迟时间。
- A composite restore process in which a database is restored in stages, where each stage corresponds to a restore sequence. 分阶段还原数据库的组合还原过程,每个阶段对应于一个还原顺序。
- Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. 但是,复兴不仅仅只要改变伦理观念。
- A file enters this state automatically because of a piecemeal restore process in which the file is not restored and recovered. 由于在段落还原过程中未还原和恢复文件,因此文件将自动进入此状态。
- The vertical structure was more complicated, Rubus setchuenensis dominated in shrub layer of all four communities in the restorational processes of vegetation. 在恢复的进程中,四类群落垂直结构层次更复杂,川莓在各灌木层都占优势地位。