- Respect your betters. 尊敬你的长辈。
- You! Stand aside mendicant and show your betters proper respect! 你!站到一边去乞讨并且你最好应该有适当的尊敬!
- Don't speak that way to your betters, young man! 年轻人, 别那样和你的上级讲话!
- I respect your opinion, but I think we may have a better way to do it. 我尊重你的意见,不过我想也许有较好的方法可行。
- Be obedient to your betters. 要听从长辈的话。
- I hope you will always respect your word. 我希望你能始终遵守自已的诺言。
- I'm disappointed, but I respect your decision. 我很失望, 但我尊重你的决定。
- You should respect your parents. 你应该尊敬父母。
- Respect your own needs and boundaries. 尊重自己的需求与帮助他人的底线。
- I promise to respect your wishes. 我保证尊重你的意愿。
- Do you really like and respect your partner? 你真的喜欢并尊重你的伴侣吗?
- I respect your right to your own opinion. 我尊重你持有自己意见的权利。
- When speaking with your betters, it is proper manners to show your face when you speak. 在长辈面前说话,起码得让我看到你的脸,这是礼貌!
- We have on doubt that you will respect your promise. 我们毫不怀疑贵方一定会信守诺言。
- Had you been contented with what nature made you, you would have escaped the chastisement of your betters and also the contempt of your equals. 如果你过去满足于你自己的天生模样,你就不会受到比你美的人的惩罚,也不会受到跟你相同的人的鄙视了。
- Fairness and Trust ? We respect your culture and statues. 平等与信任?我们尊重不同种族的文化和宗教信仰。
- Take counsel with a wise and conscientious man. Seek the advice of your betters in preference to following your own inclinations. 应就教于智者和诚恳的人。寻求益友的忠告,应胜于随从自己的偏好。
- I shall consult with you, and I wil respect your idea! 我们共同商量一下,我将尊重你的想法!
- Astepparent looks out for you, too, so you'd better respect him or her the same as you respect your own parents or teathers at school. 继父母也一样照顾你,所以你最好同敬爱你自己的亲生父母或者在学校里的老师一样去尊敬他们。
- You should show greater respect for your elders and betters. 你应该对长辈和上级尊重些。