- Lighter, Digital Camera, Intelligent Household Guard System, Non-spherical Digital Camera Head Group, Non-spherical High-quality Resin Lens. 打火机、数码相机、智能家用防盗系统、非球面数码像机镜头组、非球面高级树脂眼镜片。
- Wenzhou Haoya Optical Co.Lt.d., as a Sino-Japan joint venture company, specialized in producing and developing of resin lens and new ophthalmic materials. 公司简介:温州浩雅光学有限公司是一家专业从事光学树脂镜片及视光新材料研制开发和生产经营的中日合资企业。
- If resin lenses are produced by special machine, the cost shall be raised steeply. 树脂镜片如果用昂贵的专机生产,势必增加成本。
- A Processing Method of Resin Lens by General Plastic Injector 常规注塑机上实现树脂镜片加工的方法
- This paper has mainly presented preparing method of ADC materials of synthetic resin lenses,analyzed influence factors on output and quality,and work out the reasonale technological conditions. 本文主要提出了合成树脂光学透镜材料ADC的制备工艺,分析了影响产品质量及得率的各种因素,制定了理想工艺条件。
- This lens can magnify 20 diameter. 这个透镜能放大20倍。
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- He uses lens to make things appear clearer. 他用镜片以便看东西更清楚些。
- The lens is often used to make telescopes. 镜片常被用来做成望远镜。
- The basin is made of synthetic resin. 这个盆是用合成树脂做的。
- Don't smear the lens; I've just polished it. 别把镜头弄脏了,我刚刚擦过。
- They are made of a common plastic resin. 它们是用一种普通的塑胶合成树脂做成的。
- This shelf was made of synthetic resin. 这个架子是合成树脂做的。
- The camera lens must be screened from direct sunlight. 照相机的镜头不可受到阳光的直射。
- Keywords DAIP;allyl ester oligomer;allyl diethylene glycol carbonate;copolymer;resin lens; 间苯二甲酸二烯丙酯;烯丙基酯低聚物;二甘醇烯丙基碳酸酯;共聚物;树脂镜片;
- A paint containing acrylic resin. 丙烯酸树脂漆含丙烯酸树脂的涂料
- Amber is the resin of pine trees that grew very very long ago. 琥珀是古老的松脂。
- A close- up lens is ideal for taking close- up picture. 近摄镜用来拍特写照片最理想。
- In this operation the surgeons implant a new lens (in the eye). 医生在这次手术中给病人(眼球)植入了新的水晶体。