- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K. 英国工程与物理科学基金会,简称。
- NSERC= natural sciences and engineering research council of Canada. 相当与中国的自然科学研究基金角色。
- NRC (National Research Council) Research Associateship award.2001-2003. 吴大猷先生纪念奖,行政院国家科学委员会,2007。
- "It's a very exciting development," said Colin Blakemore, chief executive of the Medical Research Council (MRC). 医学研究会会长科林·布莱客摩尔说:"这是一个激动人心的进步,
- The Institute for Information Technology is one of the National Research Council's research institutes. 国家研究协会知识系统实验室。
- Despite such skepticism, Rodricks is one of many toxicologists calling for a National Research Council review of this phenomenon. 然而纵使疑云仍在,美国国家研究委员会还是召集众多毒物学家重新探讨此一现象,而罗卓克斯也是其中一员。
- The slump in the food market is the latest blow to the budget of the Agricultural and Food Research Council (AFRC). 粮食市场的萎缩对于农业与粮食研究会的预算构成了最新的打击。
- The study was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and The Leakey Foundation. 这项研究由加拿大自然科学和工程研究委员会以及李基基金提供赞助。
- It will be managed by the Nanoelectronics Research Council, an offshoot of the Semiconductor Research Council. 但是拿2个民族情节极其变态的国家做为中国的参照物对比,没有什么可比性。
- Well, a committee of scientists appointed by the United States National Research Council had the same thought. 一个由美国国家研究委员会任命的科学家小组也有同样的想法。
- Late last week, a National Research Council (NRC) panel became the latest group to answer that call. 到上周末,国家研究理事会成为最后响应这个行动的一个组织。
- Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, U.S.A., TCRP Report 13: Rail Transit Capacity, 1996. 钟志成等(民94),轨道容量研究:台铁系统容量模式之建构分析一,交通部运输研究所。
- Most survivors had Medical Research Council grade III breathlessness or better, with few stent-related symptoms. 存活的大多数患者只有III级呼吸困难或更轻,几乎没有支架相关症状。
- The event was co-ordinated by the Family Research Council (FRC) and broadcast to millions of Christians. 该事件经由美国家庭研究会(FamilyResearchCouncil,FRC)协调,向数百万基督徒广播。
- South Arica's Human Sciences Research Council says the findings of its study are promising. 南非人文科学研究文员会称,这项研究的结果是非常有前途的。
- Most suriors had Medical Research Council grade III breathlessness or better, with few stent-related symptoms. 存活的大多数患者只有III级呼吸困难或更轻,几乎没有支架相关症状。
- The breakthrough is the work of scientists based at laboratories run by Britain's Medical Research Council in Gambia. 这个新发现是冈比亚英国医学研究理事会实验室的科学家们的研究成果。
- Highway Research Council, “Special Report 61E: The AASHO Road Test”, Washington, D.C., 1962. 交通部运输研究所,”市区道路铺面养护管理系统建立之研究”,民国81年。
- The research was funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant awarded to Dr Glikson and Dr Sly. 事实上,在20多年前就有研究人员提出浮霉状菌才是最古老最早的细菌,但后来被超耐热菌所取代。
- National Research Council of the Philippines: Bicutan, Tagig, Metro Manila; tel 82204-09 f.1934; Pres. Dr. Rual P. De Guzman. 菲律宾全国研究委员会:大马尼拉,1934年成立,主席:苏尔·德·古斯曼。