- Request If Desired 如需要请提出要求
- Purchasing additional named callers if desired. 买更多的名额。
- Serve with Red Wine Sauce, if desired. 如果喜欢可以搭配红酒酱食用。
- Slice or cut kidney in pieces, if desired. 如果需要将它切成片或条。
- If desired, garnish with oregano; serve. 最后用牛至做装点,即可食用。
- Serve on Arugula Salad, if desired. 如果喜欢,可与芝麻菜沙拉一起食用。
- If desired, zooming of speed or RCF is possible. 如有需要,可设置速度或离心力的急速增加。
- If desired,m serve with milk,soy milk or oat milk. 酌量加于鲜奶、豆浆或植物奶中,早晚一杯好像营养。
- If desired, add sugar or sweetener to taste. 根据个人喜好,可以加糖或其他甜味料。
- Serve any kind of raw fish instead of salmon if desired. 这里是用生鲜大麻哈鱼片,您也可以选自己喜爱的鱼种来搭配。
- Sprinkle with Maggie sauce and add in wasabi if desired. (若米饭是剩的凉米饭,用微波炉稍微转热1-2分钟。)
- Sprinkle powdered sugar and serve with apple compote if desired. 喜欢的话,可以跟上适量苹果泥一起食用。
- This nail is soft enough to be clinched, if desired. 这个钉子很软,需要的话,可以把它敲弯。
- Subroutine is run at the beginning of a request if the request begins a new session. 事件。如果请求开始一个新会话
- You can give them a layer of paint or a ribbon if desired. 你可以给瓶子涂上一层颜色,如果喜欢也可以用丝带装饰一番。
- You may ask your doctor to repeat chest XR to know the progress &request if such treatment should be considered. 如果你有任何医疗问题,应向自己的医生面对面查询,而不应单倚赖本网站提供的资料。
- Borrower may not deliver a Utilisation Request if as a result of the proposed Utilisation more than 10 Loans would be outstanding. 好像搞错了。应该是加上要申请的这笔借款在总的额度内有10笔没还清的话,就不能申请该笔借款。
- The programmer has the choice of caching this bindingTemplate if desired. 如果需要,程序员可以选择缓存这个bindingTemplate。
- Our staff will handle the enquiry, provide the right information and process the complaint or service request if it belongs to one or more of the participating departments. 只要查询事项是属于参与部门的服务范畴,我们的职员便会解答,提供所需资料,并处理投诉或服务要求。
- However, you can set the final payment technically to zero if desired. 然而,你可确定最后付款技术上零热量。