- Tsinghua University is next to Yuan Ming Yuan Park. 清华大学与圆明园相邻。
- The invaders wantonly set fire to Yuan Ming Yuan. 侵略者恣意妄为, 把圆明园付之一炬。
- For Ren Ming, character is the soul of a play while performance is in the limelight of the stage. 任鸣认为人物是戏剧的灵魂,表演是舞台的核心。
- The whole day excursion the Summer Palace and Yuan Ming Yuan Royal Garden. 第四天:参观颐和园和圆明园。
- Ren Ming always states: I am a son of the Beijing People's Art Theater. The theater has its own ancestor. 任鸣常说,我是人艺的儿子,人艺是有祖先的。
- Using this method, some corpus of Ren Ming Ri Bao is analyzed to find the neologism, and the outcome is convincing. 利用上述方法,对1991年人民日报的部分语料(约400万字)进行了初步测试,取得了良好的效果。
- Ren Ming says "narrating commoners' stories during the special period"composes the theme of "Courtyard South of North Street". 任鸣说,"讲述非常时期老百姓自己的故事"是"北街南院"的主旨。
- Ren Ming says“ narrating commoners' stories during the special period” composes the theme of“ Courtyard South of North Street”. 任鸣说,"讲述非常时期老百姓自己的故事"是整出剧的主旨。
- Ren Ming, the director of“ Courtyard South of North Street”, is a young but experienced director with the Beijing People's Art Theater. 北街南院》的导演任鸣是北京人艺具有丰富导演经验的年轻导演。
- Soprano Ming Yuan Sings Chinese Folk Song "Flowing Creek" at Yale Woolsey Hall for Yale Chinese ... 歌曲: 红豆词演唱: 明苑红豆词滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆, ...
- Ren Ming says "narrating commoners' stories during the special period" composes the theme of "Courtyard South of North Street". 任鸣说,"讲述非常时期老百姓自己的故事"是"北街南院"的主旨。
- Sky is round and ground is square, person in the middle of round, sky and person syncretic, therefore refraction Wan Ming Yuan Company homage and revere the nature. 天圆地方,人于圆中,天人合一,由此折射万鸣源公司对大自然的尊崇和敬仰。
- Ren Ming says “narrating commoners' stories during the special period” composes the theme of“Courtyard South of North Street”. 任鸣说,"讲述非常时期老百姓自己的故事"是整出剧的主旨。
- "Han Chun Xiao Ming Yuan" in longevity Lu Liping sections of the Suzhou River in the north, close sets, and planning M7 adjacent lines. “苏堤春晓名苑” 位于长寿路武宁路段,北依苏州河,紧邻家乐福,与规划中M7线毗邻。
- The society is changing too fast.Even in 1994, no one wanted to visit Yuan Ming Yuan, and everyone wanted it to be destructed. 社会变化太快,94年圆明园哪有人去参观呀,别人迫不及待想把它拆散,把你轰走。
- The HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School( FYTGS) was established in2006 under the auspices of the Fok Ying Tung Foundation and the Fok Ying Tung Ming Yuan Development Company Ltd. 广州市香港科大霍英东研究院(究院)霍英东基金会及霍英东铭源发展有限公司的财政支持下,于2006年成立。
- The HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute was established in2006 under the auspices of the Fok Ying Tung Foundation and the Fok Ying Tung Ming Yuan Development Company Ltd. 广州市香港科大霍英东研究院(究院)霍英东基金会及霍英东铭源发展有限公司的财政支持下,于2006年成立。
- The HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (FYTGS) was established in 2006 under the auspices of the Fok Ying Tung Foundation and the Fok Ying Tung Ming Yuan Development Company Ltd. 广州市香港科大霍英东研究院(研究院)在霍英东基金会及霍英东铭源发展有限公司的财政支持下,于2006年成立。
- In the time of Ming Yuan emperor, Liu Tai system was set up in the consideration of the emperor was out of capital, and the system of crown prince contemporary governing nation was developed for managing the Liu Tai. 明元帝时,皇帝离京出征时开始置留台,为统筹留台而发展为太子一人监国的制度。
- Zhenguan the Tang Dynasty years, Tang hasci ming yuan and Shek Pik Yongning Temple for seven years (AD 812), the Tangxian zong and Shek Pikci ming for the Longshan Temple Yongning. 唐朝贞观年间,唐太宗曾赐名石壁永宁禅寺元和七年(公元812年),唐宪宗又赐名为龙山石壁永宁寺。