- Removal of implant of lens 晶状体植入物除去术
- Removal of implant of middle ear 中耳移植物除去术
- Removal of implant of cornea 角膜植入物除去术
- Removal of implant of tympanum 鼓室移植物除去术
- Objective To investigate the effect of implantation of posterior chamber lens in the absence of capsular support. 目的探讨无晶体后囊支撑的后房型人工晶体植入术的疗效。
- Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. 子宫切除术将子宫的全部或部分通过外科手术切除
- Removal of implant from deep soft tissues 深层软组织植入物除去术
- Capsulotomy of lens with removal of foreign body 晶状体囊切开术伴异物除去术
- Removal of implant from superficial soft tissues 表层软组织植入物除去术
- Removal of foreign body of lens by incision 晶状体切开异物除去术
- Surgical removal of all or part of a lung. 肺切除术,肺部分切除术对整个或部分肺的外科手术切除
- He consented to the removal of the flags. 他同意撤走旗帜。
- Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of implantation of flexible open-loop anterior chamber intraocular lens (FOAC-IOLs) and scleral fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC-IOLs). 目的评价、比较弹性开放襻前房型与巩膜缝线固定襻后房型人工晶体的疗效及安全性。
- Surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye. 虹膜切除术手术切除部分虹膜
- Surgical removal of a nerve or part of a nerve. 神经切除神经或其一部分的外科节除手术
- Measuring focus of lens quickly. 单焦点镜片快速功能。
- Objective To investigate the effect of implantation of spherical allogeneic biological material implant after eyeball enucleation. 目的观察球形同种异体生物膜眼窝植入物临床应用效果。
- Our ultimate objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons. 我们的最终目标是消除所有核武器。
- Loss or removal of normal pigmentation. 褪色丧失或转移正常的着色
- Intraocular lens implantation of lens luxation 晶状体全脱位的人工晶状体植入术