- Religious reform: a compromise of views. 宗教改革:一个妥协的看法。
- Elizabeths religious reform was a compromise of views. 伊莉莎白的宗教改革是各种观点的妥协。
- Henry VIII was above all responsible for the religious reform of the church. 最重要的是,亨利八世负责进行教会的宗教改革。
- A follower of the religious reformer John Huss. 胡斯的信徒宗教改革者约翰·胡斯的拥护者
- In the early 17th century, a wave of religious reform and zealotry resulted in the cancellation of Christmas. 在17世纪早期,一股宗教改革热潮使得圣诞节被取消了。
- The concept of human dignity could be traced down to the Religious Reform and the Renaissance and was systemized into a perfect theory by Kant. “人的尊严”的观念发端于宗教改革与文艺复兴运动,而在康德的笔下形成成熟的理论体系。
- The reason is as follows:First, religious reform enhanced Englishmen’s religious enthusiasm, and they were more concerned the Jewish issue. 主要原因有以下几点:首先,宗教改革使英国人的宗教热情高涨,他们更加关注犹太人问题。
- The characteristics of godly law of the German peasant war marked its inheritance from the previous peasant struggles as well as its relationship with the religious reform. 德国农民战争的神法特征 ,既显示出它与以往农民斗争的继承性 ,也展现了与宗教改革的内在联系。
- This religious reform involved absorbing the Confucian classics, establishing court academician of Confucian classics and reestablishing sacrificial rites of the state, and so on. 所谓儒学化改造,大致包括对儒家经典的吸收、置立五经博士、重建国家祀典等方面。
- Swiss religious reformer whose sermons on the absolute authority of the Bible(1519) marked the beginning of the Reformation in Switzerland. 茨温利,乌尔里希1484-1531瑞士宗教改革家,他关于圣经(1519年)绝对权威的讲道,标志着瑞士改革的开始
- There is often a stage of authoritarianism in the process from secularization to democratization and secularization is very important to the religious reform. 从世俗化到民主化,一般都经历一个权威主义阶段,而世俗化过程中对宗教的改革是至关重要的。
- He was a Swiss religious reformer whose sermons on the absolute authority of the Bible(1519) marked the beginning of the Reformation in Switzerland. 瑞士宗教改革家,他关于《圣经》(1519年)绝对权威的讲道,标志着瑞士改革的开始。
- English religious reformer and martyr whose translation of the New Testament was the basis of the King James Bible. 廷德尔,威廉1494?-1536英国宗教改革家和殉教者,他对新约的翻译是詹姆士也一世钦定圣经的基础
- Czechoslovakian religious reformer who was excommunicated(1409) for attacking the corruption of the clergy. His De Ecclesia questioned the authority and infallibility of the Catholic Church. 胡斯,约翰1372?-1415捷克斯洛伐克宗教改革者,1409年由于攻击牧师制度的堕落而被开除教籍。他在著作教会中对天主教会的权威和正确性提出了质疑
- There was prevailing tacit consent to the belief tolerance,which is the main situation in England before the Religious Reform in the English Church and society,and is also the specific background of the English Religious Reform. 在不同程度上,社会对信仰宽容的默许和容忍,是宗教改革前英国宗教和社会的基本状况,也构成了英国宗教改革的特殊背景。
- Member of a group of 15th-century Bohemian religious reformers, followers of Jan Hus. 15世纪波希米亚宗教改革者组织成员,胡斯的追随者。
- Martin Luther (Religious Reformer): I believe that God is the Parent of humankind. 马丁路德(宗教改革者):我相信神是人类的父母。
- Manasseh's religious reforms attested to the sincerity of his repentance and conversion. 玛拿西的宗教改革,与他真诚的悔改和转变,密切相关。
- Luther's religious reform and French enlightenment spirit have produced German classical philosophy, and Hegel epitomized the German classical philosophy and completed a closed circle. 摘要路德的宗教改革与法国启蒙精神产生了德国古典哲学,黑格尔是德国古典哲学的集大成者。
- John Calvin (Religious Reformer): God is the Parent of humankind and Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah, Savior and Second Coming. 约翰克尔文(宗教改革者):神是人类的的父母,而文鲜明牧师是弥赛亚、救主及再临主。