- Relief Landing Ground 救援物资着陆场所
- The base was set up and used as an advance landing ground during the Indo-Chinese conflict in 1962. 斗拉特别奥里地基地建于1962年,是中印冲突时进攻机队的停机坪。
- I need a holiday as a relief from the daily grind. 我需要休假以摆脱单调的日常工作。
- He saw the tower in relief against the sky. 他看到那塔耸立在空中,轮廓十分鲜明。
- The coach was full so a relief was put on. 长途汽车已满员,所以增开了一辆。
- The poor families survived on relief. 这些贫穷家庭靠救济生存。
- The pilot manages to glide down to a safe landing. 驾驶员设法使飞机滑行下降安全著陆。
- These pills bring relief from pain. 这些药丸可以止痛。
- Your room opens off the top landing. 你的房门朝向顶层楼梯平台。
- The reddening sky threw into relief a line of trees on the horizon. 通红的天空使地平线上的一行清晰可见。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The young man carved a figure in low relief. 这个年轻人刻了一座浅浮雕人像。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- That she is still alive is a relief. 她还活着,这是令人感到宽慰的。
- He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- The relief workers kept soldiering on. 救援人员不屈不挠地继续工作。
- There is no safe landing on that coast. 那一带海岸没有安全的登陆处。
- It got hotter, the boys peeled to get relief. 天气越来越热,男孩子们脱去衣服凉快凉快。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。