- Carbon reinforced materials would be even better. 碳增强材料的性能则更优。
- Normally, reinforced materials require higher mold temperatures than nonreinforced materials. 通常,补强的材料需要比没有补强的材料有较高的模温。
- The benefits are self- evident with even glass reinforced materials having properties equivalent to, or greater than, steel. 即使是玻璃增强材料,其优点也是十分明显的,它的性能与钢相近或高于钢。
- Carbon fiber and carbon fiber reinforced materials (CFRM) become absolutely necessary new materials in modern strategic weapons. 目前,碳纤维及其复合材料已成为发展现代战略武器必不可少的新材料之一,也是国防现代化的物资基础。
- This article gives a review on tribological properties of nanoparticles used as reinforced materials, lubricant additive and transnormal nanofilms. 综述了纳米颗粒作为增强材料、润滑油添加剂以及超薄纳米膜的摩擦学性能,并对纳米润滑材料今后的发展提出了一些建议。
- The main structure and characteristics, working principle and applying characteristics of injection mechanism for inline process of glass fiber reinforced materials with extrusion are introduced. 介绍能将定长短切玻纤和塑料原料直接填充、混炼、塑化的注射机构的主要结构、工作原理及应用特点。
- Dense and continuous film formed on the surface of the Kevlar fiber/potassium titanate whisker reinforced material. Kevlar纤维/钛酸钾晶须摩擦材料的摩擦膜细密而又连续;
- It is necessary for flyash soft layer to pave underlayer at the top of deep layer mixing reinforced material. 粉煤灰软弱层深层搅拌加固体顶面敷设褥垫层是必要的。
- The experiment is considered to use two kinds of reinforced materials ,including Ti_3SiC_2 and graphite,to reinforce copper matrix and fabricated Cu/C/Ti_3SiC_2 composite. 因此考虑利用Ti_3SiC_2和石墨两种增强体来增强Cu基体,制备出Cu/C/Ti_3SiC_2复合材料。
- A band of tough reinforcing material beneath the tread of a tire. 保护带轮胎面下面的不易磨损的加固带
- Here, a micromechanical model is proposed to determine the opening mode (Mode I) delamination fracture toughness of a unidirectionally reinforced material. 本研究提出一个微机械模型来决定单向加强的复合材料开口式(模式一)脱层破坏的韧性。
- Modulus of the geosynthetics have a reasonable scope, we should consider every factors synthetically in engineering practice, choosing a appropriate reinforced material. 加筋模量越大,加筋对软基侧位移的约束作用就越强,但加筋材料存在一个合理的加筋模量范围,在工程实践中应综合考虑各方面因素,选择合适的加筋材料。
- Methods Polymerio-Nano-Fiber composites were prepared whose reinforced material were nanometer SiO 2-x and fiber S-GF and resin materials were EAM resin and BPO. The properties of prepreg and composites were studied. 方法 以纳米粒子SiO2-x、高强玻璃纤维 (S -GF)作为增强材料 ,以齿科丙烯酸树脂 (EAM树脂 )、过氧化苯甲酰 (BPO)作为基体 ,制备了聚合物基纤维纳米复合材料 ,测试了预浸料及复合材料的性能。
- Especially,the properties of sisal and sisal fiber reinforced material were indicated.It is considered that the research and application of sisal-reinforced cement bas... 对常用的增强纤维的性能作了对比,通过对剑麻纤维增强水泥基复合材料的研究,认为将剑麻纤维应用于水泥基复合材料前景广泛,意义重大。
- A 30-year-old male worker handled the cutting and grinding of fiberglass mats and then mixed them with resin as reinforcing materials. 一位30岁男性,最近换工作,负责玻璃纤维之切割磨碎并和树脂混合用以做实验桌的桌面。
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- Draining and reinforcing material for reclaiming seabeach and swamp. 海滩和沼泽地开垦的排水材料和加固材料。
- This kind of brake shoes uses organic and inorganic fibers composition reinforced material instead of asbestos, and takes phenolic resin with additives of cashew shell oil and melamine as bond. 这种刹车块用交联性有机纤维和无机纤维复合增强材料取代石棉并以腰果壳油、三聚氰胺对作为粘合剂的酚醛树脂改性,使其分解温度提高。
- Fibre-reinforced plastics are heterogeneous materials, consisting of a cured reaction resin compound as matrix with fibrous reinforcing materials embedded in it. 纤维增强材料是非均相的材料,由作为混凝土的反应树脂混合物和嵌入其中的纤维增强材料组成。