- Historical Materials about People Migrated to Xinjiang Area to Open up Wasteland during the Reign of Emperor Qian Long 乾隆年间徙民屯垦新疆史料
- Historical Materials on the Copperplate Etching of Triumph Printed by France during the Reign of Emperor Qian Long 乾隆年间法国代制得胜图铜版画史料
- Historical Resources on the Case of Trade around the South Pacific during the Reign of Emperor Qian Long 乾隆年间议禁南洋贸易案史料
- The Case about the Vessels Carried the Officers'Family Members Were Robbed on the Great Canal during the Reign of Emperor Qian Long 乾隆年间运河官眷船只遭劫案
- The Case on the Officers in Jiangling County in Hubei Province Concealed the Truth of Stealing and Didn't Report to the Higher Government during the Reign of Emperor Qian Long 乾隆年间湖北江陵县讳盗匿详案
- Reign of Emperor Qian Long 乾隆朝
- Administration of the Letters among Westerners during the Reigns of Emperors Qian Long and Jia Qing 乾嘉年间对西洋人往来书信的管理
- The Best Poet in the Sixth Decade of Emperor Qian Long's Reign--On the 220th Anniversary of Huang Zhongze' Death 乾隆六十年第一诗人--纪念黄仲则逝世220周年
- The west wing was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. 西路是乾隆年间增建的。
- Why the Emperor Qian Long Selected Zhang Zhao as His Ghostwriter? - 乾隆皇帝为何选张照为他的书法代笔人?
- period of Emperor Qian Long 乾隆时期
- Dramatic poetry was a unique form of theatrical criticism in China, which found a development after the reign of Qian Long of the Qing Dynasty. 咏剧诗歌是中国戏曲批评的一种特殊形式,清代乾隆之后有了较大的发展。
- The Long Corridor was first built in the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1795) for the his mother to enjoy the lake scenery in rainy and snowy days. 长廊最初建于乾隆年间,是专为乾隆的母亲在雨天和雪天欣赏湖景的。
- Unfortunately, in 1775, two earthquakes and a fire totally destroyed the church built by Schall. Emperor Qian Long donated 20,000ounces of silver to have it rebuilt. 可惜汤若望经手起建的大堂,经过再次地震,损坏不小,1775年,又遭火灾,完全焚毁,后乾隆帝又赐银万两,始再修复。
- It came to be called Beijing Opera during the reign of Emperor Xianfeng. 在咸丰皇帝年间,它开始被称为京剧。
- He was a servant in the imperial palace during the reign of Emperor Guang Xu. 光绪年间,他在皇宫中当过差。
- For example, Emperor Qian Long was honored as the embodiment of Manjushri Bodhisattva.The common Fundamental Honored One of Chinese people is the Greatly Wise Manjushri Bodhisattva . 比如说历史上的乾隆皇帝,就被尊为是文殊菩萨的化现,我们中国人共同的本尊就是文殊菩萨。
- The Imperial Collection of Four was compiled during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. 《四库全书》是在乾隆年间编修的。
- In 1714 (53rd year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi) the Qing government ordered the mapping of Taiwan to determine its size. 一七一四年(清康熙五十三年),清政府派员测绘台湾地图,勘丈全境里数。
- In the Qing Dynasty, during the reigns of Kang Xi and Qian Long, there was no open policy to speak of. 以后清朝康乾时代,不能说是开放。