- Regional Income Inequality 区域收入不均等
- Has US Income Inequality Really Increased? 美国的收入不平等真的加剧了吗?
- So what, then, explains the changes in market income inequality? 那么市场(主体)收入不平等的变动如何解释呢?
- I was wondering if you could offer your views on income inequality. 我想知道您是否可以谈谈您对收入不平等的看法。
- Does Elevation of Tax Exemption Necessarily Reduce Income Inequality? 提高工薪所得税免税额一定能降低收入不平等吗?
- Another social side effect of ISI is its impact on the degree of income inequality within developing nations. 进口替代工业化的另一个社会副作用就是它对发展中国家内收入不平等程度的影响。
- Income inequality and self-reported health in rural China”, to be soon submitted to The Lancet( with Wang Qu). 中国农村收入不平等与自评健康”;已投《经济研究》;等待消息.
- For a Consensus on Controlling Income Inequality: What has Economics Contributed? 为了控制收入差距的共识:经济学贡献了什么?
- The countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS have registered some of the largest increases in the gini coefficient, a measure of income inequality. 有好几个吉尼系数增长率最高的国家在东欧和独联体。吉尼系数是用来衡量收入差距的。
- We introduce the central bank target function to analyze the relatio nships among CBI, income inequality and inflation. 我们引入中央银行目标函数,对中央银行独立性、收入不平等与通货膨胀间的作用机制进行了模型推理分析。
- Also, in the seven states with the greatest income inequality, more than 80 percent of the population lives in or near metropolitan areas. 另外,在收入差距大的7个州80%25的人口居住在大城市里或附近。
- We introduce the central bank target function to analyze the relationships among CBI, income inequality and inflation. 我们引入中央银行目标函数,对中央银行独立性、收入不平等与通货膨胀间的作用机制进行了模型推理分析。
- Smugly, my plan today was to offer some Canadian perspectives on America's rising income inequality. 今天,我就打算自鸣得意地对日益拉大的美国收入差距提出一些加拿大人的观点。
- Income inequality, from which Brazil suffers more than most other countries, has at last begun to shrink. 巴西受到收入不平均问题的困扰比大多数国家都要严重,最终这个差距也开始缩小了。
- Along the way it powered the New York City economy and helped drive income inequality nationally. 就这样,纽约经济获得强劲增长,而全国性的收入不平等现象却进一步加剧。
- Income Inequality and Economic Development in Transition Economies :Are Nonlinear Models Needed? 转型经济中的收入不平等和经济发展--非线性模型是否必须?
- Also,in the seven states with the greatest income inequality,more than 80 percent of the population lives in or near metropolitan areas. 另外,在收入差距大的7个州80%25的人口居住在大城市里或附近。
- Third, the regional income gap between the presen.t trend of ex.pansion, particularly in the western and eastern part of the apparent gap betwe.en the inco.mes of urban residents. 三是区域之间居民收入差距呈现扩大趋势,尤其是西部与东部地.;区城镇居民收入差距明显。
- Some critics have questioned whether the linkage between income inequality and worse health is merely a mathematical quirk. 有些批评者质疑,收入不均与健康情况不良之间的关联,可能只是数学的怪异表现。
- Unlike Latin America, most of them combined speedy economic growth with relatively low and sometimes even falling income inequality, thereby spreading the economic gains widely. 与拉美不同,这些国家中的多数国家将快速的经济增长同相对较低(甚至有时下降)的收入不平等结合到一起,从而使人们得以普遍享有经济成果。