- The queen was gracious enough to invite us. 女王亲切地邀请了我们。
- Paras. 21-24 She refused to invite him until she had overcome everything. 她因此拒绝邀请他,直到她觉得一切都已烟消云散。
- I felt obliged to invite him into the parlor. 我只得把他让进客厅。
- She is adamant in refuse to comply with his wish. 她固执地拒绝按他的意愿办。
- Don't expect that niggard to invite you to dinner. 别指望那个吝啬鬼会请你吃饭。
- I simply refuse to conceive of such a solution. 这样的解决办法,我是绝对不考虑的。
- I would like to invite you to a ball next Sunday. 我想请你下星期日去参加舞会好吗?
- I refuse to answer that question. 我不愿回答那个问题。
- I refuse to go there, on principle. 我原则上拒绝到那儿去。
- We turned the tables on him by refusing to invite him to the party because he had been so unkind to us. 因为他一直对我们不友好,我们拒绝邀请他参加晚会,使他自取其果。
- I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不愿被你呼来唤去的。
- Why did the patient refuse to take the medicine? 那个病人为什么不肯服药?
- To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule. 选择从事这个行业会惹人嘲笑。
- As for you, I refuse to have any dealings with you. 至于你,我不想跟你打任何交道。
- Mr.Zapatero refused to endorse Mr.Putin's decision to invite Hamas to Moscow, saying he deplored the group's use of violence. 萨帕特罗先生不赞成普京先生邀请哈马斯来莫斯科,他谴责该组织使用暴力。
- If they refuse to accept a cheese we'll have to pay cash. 如果他们拒绝收支票,我们将不得不付现金。
- Strike off his name. I refuse to have him as a guest. 将他的名字从名册中删掉,我不要他做我的客人。
- She's a good person to invite to a party because she's such an extrovert. 最好把她邀来参加聚会,因为她很爱交际。
- No self-respecting doctor would refuse to treat a sick person. 凡是有自尊心的医生都不会对病人置之不顾的。
- I want to invite you to my party on Friday. 我想请你参加周五的聚会。