- Seven children (1.82%) were refractive amblyopic, for which high hyperopia, astigmatism or anisometropia were the main causes. 七位学童(1.;89%25)有屈光性弱视,其中远视,散光及不等视是主要因素。
- Refractive amblyopia 屈光性弱视
- Objective To evaluate the effects of conventional therapy on refractive errors in patients with amblyopia. 摘要目的探讨屈光不正性弱视的临床疗效。
- Partial blindness is called amblyopia. 不完全失明称为弱视。
- All fibers are more or less doubly refractive. 所有纤维都具有程度不同的双折射。
- This treatment is availability for amblyopia. 该方法是治疗弱视的有效方法。
- What is the final result of monocular amblyopia? 单眼弱视的最终结果是什么?
- Eye misalignment can cause amblyopia in children. 儿童眼位偏斜可以导致弱视。
- Reflectively Refractive Glass Filter Tutorial. 玻璃反射、折射效果的制作,。
- Film laminates refract light in different ways. 电影层板折射光线以不同的方式。
- Methods Random choose 56 cases with the accommodative refractive esotropia with mydriatic examination?wear lenses and carried out a synthetic amblyopia treatment. 方法随机选择56例有调节性因素的内斜视进行散瞳检影、戴镜和综合弱视治疗,首次、治疗后6个月、12个月和24个月检影验光1次,检查内斜矫正度。
- Conclusion:It is important to know well the shape of disk and the rule of correction the refractive error for prevention and cure the strabismus and amblyopia. 结论:了解视盘形状及屈光镜片的调整规律,对防治斜视、弱视有重要意义。
- Primary study of Si Li Ba on treatment for amblyopia of children. 思利巴治疗儿童弱视的初步临床观察。
- Clinical analysis of the children whose monocular amblyopia. 单眼弱视的临床分析。
- There is difference in the refractive power of the two eyes. 两只眼睛的屈光能力不一样。
- Strabismus and amblyopia were the commonest eye diseases. 斜视和弱视是脑瘫儿童最常见的眼部疾病。
- Conclusion:This treatment is availability for amblyopia. 结论:该方法是治疗弱视的有效方法。
- The refractive status showed hyperopic shift after cycloplegia. 睫状肌麻痹后之屈光状态显示偏向远视。
- Better effects were found in mild ametropic amblyopia. 屈光程度和中心抑制暗点大小与疗效无关。
- Binocular vision in refractive accommodative esotropia. 屈光性调节性内斜视的双眼视觉