- Reflective critical thinking 反思批判性
- Her main strength is her critical thinking ability. 她的优点在于她敏锐的思考能力。
- Microsoft interviews for critical thinking. 微软的面试并非测试智商,而是测试思维能力。
- Critical thinking has many benefits. “批判性的思考”好处多多。
- Second, the vision promotes constructive, critical thinking. 第二,构想提供建设性的严格的思考。
- Critical thinking includes cognitive skills and emotional quality. 摘要批判性思维包括认知技能和情感特质。
- Emphasis continues to be placed on promoting students' critical thinking. 课程也着重培养学生的判断思考能力。
- The first relates to inquisitiveness, critical thinking, and problem solving. 第一个方面是与好奇心、批判式思维和解决问题的能力联系在一起的。
- Jauss also thinks that history of literature is a process of aesthetic reception literary text on the part of the receptive reader, the reflective critic and the author in his continuing productivity. 尧斯认为文学的历史是一种美学接受与生产的过程,这个过程要通过接受的读者、反思的批评家和再创作的作家将作品现实化才能进行。
- Critical thinking is often counterintuitive, and our brains are easily fooled. 批判性思维常常是违反直觉的,而我们的大脑是很容易被愚弄的。
- Hotshot: Kill a Soldier with a reflected critical rocket. 热火:用一个被反弹的火箭杀掉一个敌兵。
- I don't care a bit what critics think. 我一点儿也不在乎评论家怎么想
- Learning skills and critical thinking are essential for us to excel in the competitive new era. 掌握学习的技巧和培养敏锐的思维,对我们十分重要,有助加强我们的实力,使我们在下一个竞争激烈的新世纪,取得卓越的成就。
- The Theory of Bourdieu is based on and started from the reflective criticism on different forms of dualism in former sociology. 摘要布迪厄的社会学理论是从对以往形形色色的社会学二元主义的反思批判开始的。
- Emphasis continues to be placed on promoting students'judgment and critical thinking at school. 学校课程亦着重培养学生的判断力和批判思考能力。
- The "philosophical discourse" in modernity refers to the reflective criticism centered on the concept of "modernity" in modern Western society and history. 现代性的“哲学话语”,指的是把西方现代社会历史以“现代性”为中心概念加以主题化的反思批判。
- Emphasis continues to be placed on promoting students' judgment and critical thinking. 学校课程亦着重培养学生的判断力和批判思考能力。
- Gee, thanks. I hope the critics think the way you do. 哎呀,谢谢。我希望评论家们跟你想得一样。
- STEVEN: Gee, thanks. I hope the critics think the way you do. 史蒂文:哎呀,谢谢。我希望评论家们跟你想得一样。
- Our sense of civic duty to engage in public debate and critical thinking is lost except unfortunately for issues that affect our pockets. 很不幸的,正是这种想法使我们失去了作为公民应有义务参与辩论和深入分析问题的责任感,除非有关的课题会影响我们的口袋,我们才会有所反应。